- Dependencies
- Building With CMake
- Advanced Building With CMake
- Custom FindUSD.cmake
- Setting Up Katana
The USD plug-in for Katana has the following dependencies:
- Katana's Plug-ins API
- Python
- Boost
- OpenEXR
- OpenImageIO
- Zlib
- OpenSubdiv
- PTex
The dependencies need to match the versions that were used to build USD. The versions we use for these libraries are mentioned in the Katana Dev Guide https://learn.foundry.com/katana/dev-guide/ExternalSoftware.html
Many of the dependencies are found via CMake's config mechanism.
Note: These dependencies are only needed if using a default pxrConfig.cmake
from an external USD Build. If you are using the
FindUSD.cmake on Linux then you will not
need these.
The additional information around these dependencies can be found in the Advanced Building With CMake under Advanced Dependencies.
Katana is shipped with a API (header and source files), used to build Katana
must be provided, to the Katana installation prefix.
In order to make building the KatanaUsdPlugins as simple as possible we have
included some extra features which can be used for building the plugins if you
have not made any changes to the required libraries. This has been tested
to work with the KatanaUsdPlugins as we ship them. We have provided an example
build script Linux using the USE_KATANA_THIRDPARTY_LIBS
Unfortuntaly the use of dllimports
in the headers of the USD libraries means
that adding the same improvements on Windows is not as simple, and therefore
we need to add the whole dependencies chain which is best described by the
pxrConfig.cmake file generated by your USD build. For Windows see
Advanced Dependencies.
cmake .. \
For Linux builds only We have introduced a variable which if defined at build
time takes away a lot of the requirements in setting up the thirdparty package
searches within CMake.
This option will define and set the USE_KATANA_PYTHON
variables to ON
. By default this
is set to OFF
You must specify the KATANA_API_LOCATION
for this to work, as this is the
root of the Katana install and is used to find the libs and headers we ship
with Katana.
The following options can also be used independently of each other, and you can default back to using more advanced CMake features for finding these libraries or using your own by simply not defining any of these.
When defined we do not use the default CMake find_package for finding the Python libraries. Instead we define the Python::Python interface manually from the installed locations in the Katana build.
When defined we setup the findBoost CMake find_package function to correctly find the Boost which we ship with. As a reminder, our Boost libraries ship as namespaced, shared and prefixed.
This option manually builds the TBB::tbb CMake interface from the libraries and headers we ship with Katana. As a reminder, our TBB libraries are namespaced, shared and prefixed.
This option uses our provided FindUSD.cmake, which is a much smaller subset of the main USD config file, which reduces the third-party dependency requirements substantially. This will then use the namespaced shared and prefixed libraries which we ship with Katana. More info about the FindUSD.cmake can be found below in the The FindUSD.cmake helper script section.
Below we provide some examples of cmake build scripts that can be used to
build the plug-ins. There are options there which you may want to remove,
on your build requirements, and whether you're using a namespaced boost,
or want to use our Boost libraries supplied with Katana.
We have introduced a new option, PXR_PY_PACKAGE_NAME
, to set when building
the Katana USD Plug-ins. For the Foundry USD build, we have namespaced
the Python libraries using this cmake variable, and continued the use of this
cmake variable into our Katana USD Plug-ins. If building against the USD
libraries shipped with Katana, please make sure to set this to fnpxr
If this is not set, you may experience issues using the Python libraries,
most notably for the usdKatana
module. This value defaults to pxr
, so if
you are using a default USD build, it will work without setting this value.
The following dependencies are required if you are not using the simple build setup. The majority of dependencies mentioned here will have options depending heavily on how you have built USD and whether the build used CMake interfaces, full paths or variables in the pxrConfig.cmake. Below we provide the options we use.
Note: You may also need more dependencies than those we have mentioned
depending on how you have built USD and whether you have made changes to how
it builds. Below are those required when using our FnUSD
builds, but other
libraries such as JPEG
, PTex
, may also be needed.
must be provided, to the USD installation prefix. USD must be built
must be provided, to the cmake folder of the TBB installation.
You may also specify TBB_tbb_LIBRARY
, or
to specify use of the included findTBB.cmake.
must be provided, to the folder containing a cmake config file for
the Python installation. In addition, specify:
which is used to compile Python files on build
You may also specify the Python_ROOT_DIR to use the default CMake FindPython.cmake method.
must be provided, to the Boost installation prefix.
Dynamic Boost is used, so specifying
is also useful.
must be provided, to the cmake folder of the GLEW installation.
must be provided, to the cmake folder of the OpenEXR installation.
must be provided, to the cmake folder of the OpenImageIO
must be provided, to the cmake folder of the OpenSubdiv
cd /path/to/usd_for_katana
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. \
-DKATANA_API_LOCATION=/opt/Foundry/Katana3.2v1/ \
-DUSD_ROOT=/path/to/USD/ \
-DTBB_DIR=/path/to/TBB/cmake \
-DPython_DIR=/path/to/Python/cmake \
-DPython_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/Python/bin/python \
-DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/Boost \
-DBoost_NAMESPACE=Fnboost \
-DGLEW_DIR=/path/to/GLEW/lib/cmake/glew \
-DOpenEXR_DIR=/path/to/OpenEXR/cmake \
-DOpenImageIO_DIR=/path/to/OpenImageIO/cmake \
-DZLIB_ROOT=/path/to/Zlib \
-DOpenSubdiv_DIR=/path/to/OpenSubdiv/cmake \
cmake --build . --target install -- -j 18
cd C:/path/to/usd_for_katana
mkdir build\
cd build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"^
-DKATANA_API_LOCATION="C:/Program Files/Foundry/Katana3.2v1"^
cmake --build . --target install --config Release --parallel 18
It is possible to change the installation directory by setting the variable
before invoking CMake. By default, the plug-in will be
installed in /usr/local/
on Linux, or in C:/Program Files/
on Windows,
under the third_party/katana/
subdirectory. It is encouraged to set the
variable to a more sensible destination other than the default location.
In the provided examples, the plug-in will be effectively installed in
in Linux, or
in Windows.
Due to the way the USD pxrConfig.cmake file works, it adds all the libraries which were built in that USD package. This has the adverse affect of requiring all the dependent libraries to be included in the build time scripts. To help in this regard, we have created a simplified findUSD.cmake script to reduce this to only the libraries required to build the Katana USD Plug-ins.
To enable the use of this FindUSD.cmake file, define the CMake variable
. This means a considerably shorter build script!
You will also need to specify the PXR_LIB_PREFIX
you used when building the
USD libraries initially, as this is used to find the libraries. On Linux if
defining this value, remember to add lib
to the start, for example when
using our USD libraries it would be libFn
, on Windows just Fn
If you have installed USD in a non-standard way (as we have in Katana), you can
also specify the USD_INCLUDE_DIR
separately. Otherwise
it is assumed that these paths are ${USD_ROOT}/include
and ${USD_ROOT}/lib
respectively. If specifying both of these you do not have to specify USD_ROOT
As we do not support Katana on Apple, the findUSD cmake script
will fail to find libraries on Apple systems.
Below we have included examples of using this for Linux and Windows.
Example Linux CMake:
cmake .. \
-DUSD_ROOT=/path/to/USD/ \
-DUSD_INCLUDE_DIR=<KATANA_ROOT>/external/FnUSD/include \
-DTBB_DIR=/path/to/TBB/cmake \
-DPython_DIR=/path/to/Python/cmake \
-DPython_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/Python/bin/python \
-DBOOST_ROOT=/path/to/Boost \
-DBoost_NAMESPACE=Fnboost \
To enable the USD plug-in for Katana, append the path to the plugin/
directory into the KATANA_RESOURCES
environment variable. For instance, on
export KATANA_RESOURCES=$KATANA_RESOURCES:/path/to/usd_for_katana/third_party/katana/plugin/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/usd_for_katana/third_party/katana/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/usd_for_katana/third_party/katana/plugin/Libs
set KATANA_RESOURCES=%KATANA_RESOURCES%;C:/path/to/usd_for_katana/third_party/katana/plugin/
set PATH=%PATH%;C:/path/to/usd_for_katana/third_party/katana/lib
set PATH=%PATH%;C:/path/to/usd_for_katana/third_party/katana/plugin/Libs
If USD is not already set up, also adjust the following environment variables:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/usd/bin/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/usd/lib/
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/usd/lib/python/
set "PATH=%PATH%;C:/path/to/usd/bin/"
set "PATH=%PATH%;C:/path/to/usd/lib/"
set "PATH=%PATH%;C:/path/to/usd_for_katana/third_party/katana/lib/"
set "PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;C:/path/to/usd/lib/python/"
You may also need to setup where to find the other dependant libraries Boost, TBB and GLEW. These can be done in the same way as above, append the lib directory paths for each dependant library to the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH dependant on your system. This only applies if using shared libraries.