Releases: apache/camel-k
What's Changed
- fix(ci): fabric8 deps update by @squakez in #4828
- chore(ci): no coverage message when coverage unchanged by @squakez in #4829
- fix(ctrl): Change reconciliation of int in error by @gansheer in #4793
- chore(deps): bump from 0.38.1 to 0.38.2 by @dependabot in #4833
- fix: removed unnecessary defaul value in route trait by @realMartinez in #4830
- feat(api): Kamelet as static resource by @squakez in #4808
- chore(deps): bump from 0.38.4 to 0.38.5 by @dependabot in #4834
- chore(deps): bump from 0.44.0 to 0.45.0 by @dependabot in #4835
- feat(build): add root image info by @squakez in #4836
- chore: improved e2e tests documentation. by @valdar in #4838
- chore(ci): release notes procedure by @squakez in #4843
- chore(ci): Use latest minor version of golang in ci workflows by @gansheer in #4840
- chore(deps): bump from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 by @dependabot in #4842
- feat(helm): 2.1.0 release by @squakez in #4848
- fix(ci): Fix golang setup error in coverage workflow by @gansheer in #4851
- feat(trait): expose conditions by @squakez in #4852
- fix(e2e): Fix TestCamelTrait by @gansheer in #4857
- fix(ci): Fix golang version file setup in coverage workflow by @gansheer in #4862
- feat(runtime): enable source less integrations by @squakez in #4831
- chore(deps): bump from 1.58.2 to 1.58.3 by @dependabot in #4865
- chore(deps): bump from 1.28.0 to 1.29.0 by @dependabot in #4866
- fix(ci): OLM stable-vx channel by @squakez in #4867
- chore(deps): bump from 0.6.38 to 0.6.39 by @dependabot in #4870
- chore(e2e): Randomize integration names in e2e tests by @gansheer in #4863
- chore(deps): bump from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 by @dependabot in #4869
- chore(deps): bump from 0.6.39 to 0.6.40 by @dependabot in #4872
- chore(deps): bump from 1.2.4 to 1.3.0 by @dependabot in #4871
- chore(deps): bump from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0 by @dependabot in #4874
- fix(doc): Remove ambiguous local files usage on config/resources by @gansheer in #4876
- fix(doc): Runtime resources example fix by @gansheer in #4878
- chore(deps): bump from 24.0.0+incompatible to 24.0.7+incompatible by @dependabot in #4879
- chore(deps): bump from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 by @dependabot in #4884
- chore(deps): bump from 2.100.1 to 2.110.1 by @dependabot in #4889
- chore(trait): execute mount only when deploying by @squakez in #4888
- fix(core): Access configmap from another namespace for KEP-1755 by @gansheer in #4849
- feat(crd): Add default value trait in CRDs when declared in doc by @gansheer in #4887
- Add e2e test for knative service trait with annotation by @lfabriko in #4895
- Fix SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder" by @claudio4j in #4883
- chore(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 by @dependabot in #4897
- chore(deps): bump from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 by @dependabot in #4898
- fix(build): use maven context arguments by @squakez in #4901
- chore(deps): bump from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0 by @dependabot in #4904
- chore(api): introduce itp shortname by @squakez in #4903
- chore(deps): bump from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 by @dependabot in #4906
- E2e test for route annotations by @lfabriko in #4907
- fix(e2e): HotReload tests should not reload by default by @gansheer in #4908
- chore(deps): bump from 0.6.40 to 0.6.42 by @dependabot in #4905
- chore(e2e): Regression test on referenced secret(/cm) properties by @gansheer in #4909
- chore(deps): bump from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0 by @dependabot in #4913
- chore(deps): bump from 1.29.0 to 1.30.0 by @dependabot in #4911
- chore(deps): bump from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0 by @dependabot in #4912
- Use filepath.clean in json-schema-gen command for destination parameter by @oscerd in #4918
- fix(ci): Remove golint warning for imports by @gansheer in #4920
- fix(#4916): Improve component resolver by @christophd in #4919
- test(health): #3997 structured conditions for scaled integrations by @rinaldodev in #4917
- chore(e2e): Dev mode flaky test randomize name by @gansheer in #4921
- chore(trait): run mount only when necessary by @squakez in #4926
- chore(deps): bump from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0 by @dependabot in #4933
- fix(e2e): Error in check crd support script by @gansheer in #4930
- chore(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 by @dependabot in #4935
- [java] Add sundrio to generate builders by @andreaTP in #4931
- Fix(core): Openshift securityContext on global operator by @gansheer in #4932
- chore(deps): bump ch.qos.logback:logback-core from 1.3.7 to 1.3.12 in /java/maven-logging by @dependabot in #4943
- chore(deps): bump ch.qos.logback:logback-classic from 1.3.7 to 1.3.12 in /java/maven-logging by @dependabot in #4944
- fix(e2e): Upgrade helm procedure test by @gansheer in #4927
- fix(e2e): Set default configuration knative http yaks test by @gansheer in #4952
- chore(test): Health kamelet test cleanup by @gansheer in #4945
- chore(ci): Upgrade kind action and image to kubernetes 1.27 by @gansheer in #4946
- fix(ci): Rollback kind image by @gansheer in #4960
- fix(e2e): Execute helm upgrade test only on main branch by @gansheer in #4959
- chore(deps): bump from 0.38.2 to 0.39.2 by @dependabot in #4939
- fix(build): don't override user provided resources by @squakez in #4964
- chore(ci): kubernetes 1.27.7 by @squakez in #4963
- fix(trait): doc to explain initContainers by @squakez in #4966
- fix(#4961): Improve cross-namespace check for Kamelet refs by @christophd in #4965
- chore(deps): bump from 0.13.0 to 0.17.7 by @dependabot in #4634
- chore(deps): bump from 0.17.7 to 0.19.0 by @dependabot in #4899
- chore(deps): bump from 0.38.5 to 0.39.1 by @dependabot in #4938
- chore(doc): deps matrix by @squakez in #4973
- Remove index table which is not refering to any table by @apupier in #4975
- feat(#4958): Supporting node selectors for the builder pod by @lsergio in #4968
- Set quiet mode to maven overlay build script by @claudio4j in #4980
- chore(deps): bump from 1.17.0 to 1.18.1 by @dependabot in #4982
- chore: Fix CRD samples by @christophd in #4981
- chore(ci): Upgrade kind-action to 2.0.2 by @gansheer in
Apache Camel K 2.2.0-nightly build for testing (unstable). This nightly release is using
an unsupported operator image published as
(default amd64
suffix for ARM64 architectures)
To test it, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
To test ARM64 architecture, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
NOTE: last updated on Mon Jan 8 00:46:57 UTC 2024
Apache Camel K 2.1.1-nightly build for testing (unstable). This nightly release is using
an unsupported operator image published as
(default amd64
suffix for ARM64 architectures)
To test it, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
To test ARM64 architecture, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
NOTE: last updated on Tue Apr 2 00:44:55 UTC 2024
What's Changed
- chore(doc): detailed builder runtime info by @squakez in #4584
- Fix(docs): enhance the documentation on using local and remote depend… by @johnpoth in #4583
- Fix misc tests on global operator by @bouskaJ in #4585
- chore: Refactor operator logs by @christophd in #4586
- chore(deps): bump from 1.5.2 to 1.5.3 by @dependabot in #4588
- chore(deps): bump from 1.27.8 to 1.27.9 by @dependabot in #4591
- feat(ci): Helm release 2.0.0 by @squakez in #4592
- chore(deps): bump from 1.27.9 to 1.27.10 by @dependabot in #4595
- chore(deps): bump from 0.6.29 to 0.6.30 by @dependabot in #4594
- fix(ci): run coverage only on golang code changes by @squakez in #4599
- chore(ci): validate only pkg changes by @squakez in #4601
- fix(ci): update CLIs URL by @squakez in #4598
- fix(ci): update default runtime by @squakez in #4602
- feat(trait): Add maven profile to Integration in builder trait by @gansheer in #4568
- chore(ci): smoke test subset only by @squakez in #4606
- chore(ci): check against latest available runtime by @squakez in #4607
- fix(doc): Add openshift builder image re-creation as known issue by @gansheer in #4611
- chore(deps): bump from 0.37.1 to 0.37.2 by @dependabot in #4603
- chore(ci): default JDK 17 base image by @squakez in #4610
- doc(trait): Add user documentation on maven profile trait by @gansheer in #4615
- fix: use non deprecated components by @squakez in #4616
- chore(deps): bump from 0.6.30 to 0.6.32 by @dependabot in #4605
- chore(e2e): Test on kamelets configurations by @gansheer in #4619
- feat(build): Upgrade to Golang 1.20 by @gansheer in #4620
- feat(ci): Add govulncheck as ci workflow by @gansheer in #4623
- feat(cmd): improve
kamel promote
by @squakez in #4621 - chore: add license header by @squakez in #4631
- Fix missing role in helm chart by @claudio4j in #4630
- chore(olm): bundle channel by @squakez in #4635
- fix(helm): pipes roles by @squakez in #4636
- Fix cron trait doc, timer usage is missing information by @claudio4j in #4633
- feat(doc): network architecture by @squakez in #4637
- chore(ci): use latest golang version by @squakez in #4640
- chore(deps): bump from 1.24.0 to 1.25.0 by @dependabot in #4638
- chore(deps): bump from 0.6.32 to 0.6.33 by @dependabot in #4643
- chore(trait): don't print command by default by @squakez in #4642
- chore(ci): kamelet fallback to main branch by @squakez in #4645
- feat(doc): registry configuration by @squakez in #4646
- chore(deps): bump from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0 by @dependabot in #4650
- chore(deps): bump from 0.11.0 to 0.12.0 by @dependabot in #4651
- chore(deps): bump from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0 by @dependabot in #4652
- chore(deps): bump from 0.6.33 to 0.6.34 by @dependabot in #4653
- feat(trait): Fail IntegrationKit when custom task defined with build strategy routine by @gansheer in #4649
- fix(ci): sleep 30 minutes by @squakez in #4657
- feat(install): Camel K offline mode by @squakez in #4656
- chore(ci): Updates of otlp collector and some github actions by @gansheer in #4660
- feat(trait): prepare to remove runtime dependencies by @squakez in #4663
- feat: added annotations support for route trait by @realMartinez in #4664
- Enhance CamelCatalog can't be found error msg by @bouskaJ in #4658
- fix(cicd): Add list camelcatalog permission in tekton SA by @gansheer in #4667
- chore(e2e): Test on kamelets configurations using configmaps by @gansheer in #4659
- Fix: Namespace permissions in api groups by @rajat965ng in #4672
- chore(ci): Tekton task onboarded by @squakez in #4679
- chore(deps): bump from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 by @dependabot in #4681
- feat(ctrl): configmap and secret hot reload by @squakez in #4665
- fix(e2e): helm install procedure by @squakez in #4684
- fix: lint errors and hot reloads by @squakez in #4688
- chore(deps): bump multierr by @squakez in #4691
- chore(deps): bump openshift api by @squakez in #4692
- Add GH Issue Template by @anishrajan25 in #4689
- Reorganize project to have a single Go module by @claudio4j in #4690
- chore(deps): bump from 4.2.3 to 4.3.0 by @dependabot in #4697
- feat(#1656) : Add Jib publish strategy by @gansheer in #4680
- fix(doc): multi arch build notice by @squakez in #4701
- chore(deps): bump k8s api and friends by @squakez in #4693
- feat(crds): include sources in java dependency by @squakez in #4706
- chore(deps): bump from 0.11.0 to 0.12.0 by @dependabot in #4707
- chore(deps): Prometheus 0.67.1 by @squakez in #4705
- chore(deps): bump from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0 by @dependabot in #4708
- chore(deps): bump from 0.6.34 to 0.6.35 by @dependabot in #4710
- chore(deps): bump Knative to v1.11 by @squakez in #4704
- chore(install): helm 2.0.1 by @squakez in #4712
- chore(docs): various updates by @squakez in #4714
- chore(deps): bump from 0.11.0 to 0.12.0 by @dependabot in #4717
- chore(deps): bump from 0.38.1 to 0.38.2 by @dependabot in #4718
- Add Pipe test to olm_upgrade_test by @lfabriko in #4719
- chore(deps): bump from 0.6.35 to 0.6.36 by @dependabot in #4722
- fix(cli): Use maven repository CLI flag for plugins by @gansheer in #4730
- chore(doc): registry requirements by @squakez in #4735
- chore(deps): bump from 5.6.0+incompatible to 5.7.0+incompatible by @dependabot in #4732
- doc: Add the remote debug operator link to the navigation by @claudio4j in #4736
- fix(doc): catalog link by @squakez in #4737
- fix(ci): latest released is 2.0.1 by @squakez in #4734
- fix: runtime 3.2.0 errors by @squakez in #4733
- feat: knative service trait annotation support by @realMartinez in #4729
- chore(docs): address old requests by @squakez in #4749
- Fix operator check of the catalog by @claudio4j in #4741
- chore(deps): bump from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0 by @dependabot in #4748
- fix(lint): adding dot by @squakez in #4751
- feat(api): deprecate Buildah and Kaniko by @squakez in #4746
- chore(trait): deprecation notice by @squakez in #4755
- chore(deps): bump knati...
Apache Camel K 2.0.2-nightly build for testing (unstable). This nightly release is using
an unsupported operator image published as
(default amd64
suffix for ARM64 architectures)
To test it, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
To test ARM64 architecture, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
NOTE: last updated on Tue Dec 19 01:38:42 UTC 2023
What's Changed
- [Backport-2.0.x] chore: Refactor operator logs (#4586) by @christophd in #4589
- [Backport 2.0.x] fix(doc): Add openshift builder image re-creation as known issue by @gansheer in #4614
- Fix: Helm roles and doc (2.0.x) by @claudio4j in #4696
- Reorganize project to have a single Go module (2.0.x) by @claudio4j in #4695
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
Apache Camel K 2.1.0-nightly build for testing (unstable). This nightly release is using
an unsupported operator image published as
(default amd64
suffix for ARM64 architectures)
To test it, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
To test ARM64 architecture, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
NOTE: last updated on Tue Oct 24 00:56:57 UTC 2023
Apache Camel K 2.0.1-nightly build for testing (unstable). This nightly release is using
an unsupported operator image published as
(default amd64
suffix for ARM64 architectures)
To test it, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
To test ARM64 architecture, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
NOTE: last updated on Mon Sep 4 01:35:28 UTC 2023
Default Camel Dependencies
- Apache Camel K Runtime 2.16.0
- Apache Camel Quarkus 2.16.0
- Apache Camel 3.20.1
- Apache Camel Kamelets
Changes by Kind
- Add startup probes into health trait (#4305, @mertdotcc)
- Feat (ci): coverage badge (#4260, @realMartinez)
- Feat(ci): publish arm64 architecture (#4416, @squakez)
- Feat(cicd): onboard Camel K Tekton task (#4499, @squakez)
- Feat(cli): provide useful info in kubectl CLI (#4325, @squakez)
- Feat(trait): Add path-based Ingress options to ingress trait
feat(cli): Support setting maps in traits API (#4088, @astefanutti) - Feat(trait): add InfluencesBuild() func (#4512, @squakez)
- Feat(trait): custom builder resources (#4322, @squakez)
- Feat: Introduce build order strategy (#4523, @christophd)
- Feat: enable customizable pipeline (#4384, @squakez)
- Feat: move code to version 2 (#4128, @squakez)
- Feat(ci): release branch automation (#4576, @squakez)
- Feat(ci): scrape latest CK runtime available (#4131, @squakez)
- Feat: Free Camel K from runtime dependency (#4025, @squakez)
- Feat: Support data types in Kamelets (#4100, @christophd)
- Feat: change KameletBinding name to Binding (#4156, @squakez)
- Feat: remove deprecated code (#4318, @squakez)
- Feat: remove the need for a storage (#4483, @squakez)
- Add S2I support for builder image generation (#4417, @gansheer)
- Add max running builds CLI option on install command (#4291, @christophd)
- Allow to remote debug the Operator (#4517, @essobedo)
- Extend usage of non-root user (1000) on operator and builder pods (#4407, @gansheer)
- Knative trait sets
label to the namespace when there is a SinkBinding. (#4120, @claudio4j) - Migrate prometheus trait from microprofile metrics to micrometer (#4211, @gansheer)
- Remove archived as direct dependency (#4346, @gansheer)
- Remove custom labels from build time (#4184, @claudio4j)
- Revert usage of non-root user (1000) on operator and builder pods FS. (#4418, @gansheer)
- Secret managers parsing errors (#4109, @oscerd)
Bug or Regression
- Fix(builder): native from source should rebuild (#4153, @squakez)
- Fix(ci): native test path (#4329, @squakez)
- Fix(ci): proper arch label (#4527, @squakez)
- Fix(ci): revert coverage report to comment (#4562, @squakez)
- Fix(cli): skip k8s lookup when dry-run (#4567, @squakez)
- Fix(cmd): promote annotations/labels (#4473, @squakez)
- Fix(cmd): promote should load catalog from k8s (#4362, @squakez)
- Fix(cmd): rebuild KameletBindings (#4209, @squakez)
- Fix(cmd): run does not expand camel properties (#4199, @squakez)
- Fix(cmd): uninstall to wait the operator pod (#4280, @squakez)
- Fix(controller): camelcatalog default timeout (#4239, @squakez)
- Fix(core): Fix copy local dependencies error message (#4230, @gansheer)
- Fix(ctrl): dynamic builder registry organization (#4529, @squakez)
- Fix(ctrl): use builtin command kill (#4250, @squakez)
- Fix(e2e): high memory native test (#4349, @squakez)
- Fix(e2e): increase trait test timeout (#4533, @squakez)
- Fix(e2e): remove workaround pre 1.12.1 (#4479, @squakez)
- Fix(helm): proper CRDs (#4510, @squakez)
- Fix(operator): do not panic if cannot set GOMAXPROCS (#4300, @squakez)
- Fix(trait): minor lint (#4415, @squakez)
- Fix(trait): retrieve non cached version of generated Camel Catalog (#4514, @squakez)
- Fix: Add maven settings-security.xml to maven command (#4099, @gansheer)
- Fix: Restrict Knative binding provider execution (#4344, @christophd)
- Fix: kustomize revert placeholder namespace (#4147, @squakez)
- Fix: won't panic on error handler validation failure (#4247, @squakez)
- Fixes(cli): kamel run no longer requires connecting to k8s cluster in output mode (#4557, @anhpngt)
- Fix(ci): bring back CLIs required by ci tasks (#4461, @squakez)
- Fix(ci): quarkus native action name (#4094, @squakez)
- Fix(ci): revert branches (#4578, @squakez)
- Fix(ci): revert release action (#4577, @squakez)
- Fix(ci): use released action version (#4500, @squakez)
- Fix(cli): Remove CamelCatalogs CR on kamel uninstall (#4162, @gansheer)
- Fix(cmd): compatibility check when not a semver (#4137, @squakez)
- Fix(cmd): uninstall kube-public rolebindings (#4251, @squakez)
- Fix(core): Permissions on operator and builder pods (S2I compatibility) (#4487, @gansheer)
- Fix(doc): kamelet semver (#4115, @squakez)
- Fix(e2e): TestLocalPlatform (#4463, @squakez)
- Fix(e2e): correct jar location (#4084, @squakez)
- Fix(lint): rebuild test (#4216, @squakez)
- Fix: Always uninstall IntegrationPlatform resources (#4334, @christophd)
- Fix: Consistent integration platform settings hierarchy (#4317, @christophd)
- Fix: Improve error reporting in case of knative is required but not installed (#4237, @claudio4j)
- Fix: Limit parallel builds on operator (#4233, @christophd)
- Fix: Restrict Knative service trait to Http exposed and passive endpoints (#4368, @christophd)
- Fix: Shorten baseImage declaration to eclipse-temurin:11 and manage Buildah publish strategy (#4480, @gansheer)
- Fix: actions for 2.0 (#4083, @squakez)
- Fix: align process to latest ck runtime changes (#4292, @squakez)
- Bump framework operator sdk from v1.16.0 to v1.26.1 (#4106, @gansheer)
- Chore(ci) : Fix licence missing/invalid format (#4515, @gansheer)
- Chore(ci): Helm 1.12.1 (#4474, @squakez)
- Chore(ci): Upgrade github/non github actions (#4518, @gansheer)
- Chore(ci): bump replace version (#4478, @squakez)
- Chore(ci): camel kamelets catalog scraping (#4136, @squakez)
- Chore(ci): define IMAGE_ARCH parameter (#4457, @squakez)
- Chore(ci): release doc polishing (#4421, @squakez)
- Chore(ci): remove autogen resource file (#4405, @squakez)
- Chore(ci): split upgrade from install (#4454, @squakez)
- Chore(ci): tidier wf organization (#4574, @squakez)
- Chore(ci): trigger native only when PR are labeled (#4078, @squakez)
- Chore(ci): use ubuntu-latest (#4445, @squakez)
- Chore(cmd): don't warn if rolebinding exists (#4255, @squakez)
- Chore(deps): home made Set to replace (#4462, @squakez)
- Chore(deps): ignore only k8s dependencies (#4367, @squakez)
- Chore(deps): k8s api to 0.25.6 (#4077, @squakez)
- Chore(deps): remove camelcase dependency (#4366, @squakez)
- Chore(deps): remove deps and unused CLIs (#4428, @squakez)
- Chore(deps): remove go-homedir dependency (#4397, @squakez)
- Chore(deps): remove (#4401, @squakez)
- Chore(deps): replace (#4448, @squakez)
- Chore(deps): revert vfs-gen removal (#4450, @gansheer)
- Chore(deps): spectrum 6.0.28 (#4564, @squakez)
- Chore(deps): update (#4435, @squakez)
- Chore(doc): Java api support (#4339, @squakez)
- Chore(doc): Monitoring doc with prometheus/micrometer (#4273, @gansheer)
- Chore(doc): add upgrade instructions (#4254, @squakez)
- Chore(e2e): support remote testing (#4253, @squakez)
- Chore(olm): upgrade operator sdk (#4223, @squakez)
- Chore(test): rearrange e2e structure folder (#4072, @squakez)
- Chore: bump to 2.0.0 (#4081, @squakez)
- Chore: ignore resources.go (#4357, @squakez)
- Chore: improve unit test coverage (#4154, @realMartinez)
- Chore: make codegen (#4313, @squakez)
- Chore: more archived deps removals (#4419, @squakez)
- Chore: remove useless code (#4412, @squakez)
- Chore: use fixed default runtime version (#4550, @squakez)
- Doc(install): camel k fine tuning (#4134, @squakez)
- Doc: new release process (#4311, @squakez)
- v0.6.0
- 7d5c6f0
- v2.3.2
- v1.13.6
- v1.2.3
- v1.3.3
- v23.0.5+incompatible
- v0.1.1
- v0.15.2
- v52.0.0
- v0.1.4
- v2.11.3
- v2.1.0
- e85fd2c
- e85fd2c
- e85fd2c
- v1.5.0 → v1.6.0
- v1.4.0 → v1.7.0
- v1.27.0 → v1.37.0
- v0.12.0 → v0.19.0
- v1.4.0 → v1.5.0
- v1.4.0 → v1.5.0
- v1.5.0 → v1.7.1
- v0.6.0 → v0.7.1
- v1.9.0 → v1.13.0
- v1.10.0 → v1.13.0
- v1.9.0 → v1.10.0
- ...
Apache Camel K 1.12.2-nightly build for testing (unstable). This nightly release is using
an unsupported operator image published as
To test it, download the client for your OS and run:
kamel install --olm=false --maven-repository=
NOTE: last updated on Mon Oct 16 02:55:46 UTC 2023