This project uses npm workspaces, so you can install all packages at once from root directory:
npm i
This will only create a node_modules directory at root, and in packages whose dependencies differ, so don't worry if some packages don't have their own.
It will also symlink local dependencies, including wallace and babel-plugin-wallace. The latter needs to be compiled before you can use it:
cd packages/babel-plugin-wallace
npx tsc
You will need recompile babel-plugin-wallace whenever you make any changes to it, but wallace is not compiled so your changes should appear immediately.
All the tests are in packages/wallace and can be run with:
cd packages/wallace
npm test
However this runs all the tests, and during development you may want to restrict this. See the section on tests below.
The playground package allows you to experiment without committing changes, as its src directory is gitignored.
To launch it, run:
cd playground
npm start
If you get errors about packages not being found, it may be that a third party package (such as JSDOM) need updating.
User projects requires two packages to work:
- wallace - the library with definitions you import into a project.
- babel-plugin-wallace - the babel plugin which transforms the source code.
Note that wallace
always requires babel-plugin-wallace
at the exact same version, so a user project would only need to require wallace
npm i [email protected]
To maintain consistency we publish a new version of both packages even if only one has actual changes.
This project uses:
- npm workspaces to cross-install dependencies.
- lerna to publish packages.
- jest for tests.
Try follow Mozilla Guidelines except:
- End your comments with a full stop, so it's clear you intended to finish the sentence.
You can use the -w
argument on most npm
commands to apply that solely to one workspace:
npm install tap --workspace package-b --save-dev
npm run test --workspace=a
Alternatively just cd
to that directory.
- The main branch is develop, and that's where we prepare the next release.
- Test must always pass in develop.
- Branch off develop for features.
The rules are:
- If it is required just for testing, it goes in the root package.json.
- If it is required for the distribution of a package, it goes that package's package.json
as these do not get installed).
It is easy to get this wrong, which is why we (will) have a canary test which installs just wallace
into a project (outside of workspaces) and would fail to run babel if any packages are missing.
It is often useful to inspect the generated code, which you can do in two ways:
Where @babel/cli
is installed you can run a file through babel with npx:
npx babel src/index.jsx
This will read from babel.config.cjs and print the transpiled code. Note that you must have @babel/preset-env
in there, or else you will get different output.
In development mode you would typically set webpack's devtool to:
config.devtool = "eval-source-map";
The browser'd dev console will point error points and console logs to your ES6 source files. However, if you don't set devtool
then it shows you the generated code.
Given how useful this is, the webpack files in this project use an environment variable to let you control this behaviour without having to modify the file.
If you're going to make serious changes to the plugin you'll need to read the plugin handbook.
There is very little documentation on writing a Babel in TypeScript, other than this issue. The plugin needs to be compiled to CommonJS to work with node. See package.json scripts.
Babel will typically read from the local babel.config.cjs which should look like this:
module.exports = {
plugins: ["babel-plugin-wallace", "@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx"],
presets: ["@babel/preset-typescript", "@babel/preset-env"],
However, this plugin must work if either of those presets are missing (and to a degree, if others are added) so it is important to test changes with each permutation.
There should be tests which check this, but if making changes to the visitors then it is worth checking explicitly.
We do not test the plugin in isolation as:
- The generated code depends on the wallace library, so we test over there.
- The resulting output changes too often over time to validate maintaining tests.
- The internal code changes too much to validate testing bits of that.
So we make sure to cover anything we think might break in the wallace tests, even if it doesn't seem obvious from there why it would.
You can see the effect of the plugin by running a file through babel with npx:
npx babel src/index.jsx
The playground app's babel.config.cjs
has toggles to disable presets, and npm scripts to run checks. Bear in mind you need to recompile if you've made any changes.
These are just pertinent notes/reminders from the Babel handbook, which you should read. The AST explorer is also very helpful, except it doesn't do JSX.
Babel is a tool which parses source code into an AST and traverses the nodes. Babel itself doesn't transform anything, it's the plugins which do that.
Plugins work by declaring "visitors" which get called when a particular node type is visited, and may apply transformations.
Presets are just collections of plugins.
According to Plugin Ordering, Babel loads plugins in the order declared, then (plugins from) presets in reverse order:
module.exports = {
plugins: [1, 2, 3],
presets: [5, 4],
However, it may appear to do the opposite!
Babel traverses the tree of nodes top to bottom, so if plugin 5 visits a higher level node, that node (and its children) may be transformed by the time plugin 1 gets to visit a deeper node.
Suppose we have the following babel.config.cjs
module.exports = {
plugins: ["babel-plugin-wallace", "@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx"],
This as our babel-plugin-wallace
module.exports = () => {
return {
visitor: {
JSXElement(path) {
And this is the source code:
const Foo = ({name}) => (
The console will log ArrowFunctionExpression
because that is indeed the parent node's type.
However if we add the @babel/preset-env
preset to our config:
module.exports = {
plugins: ["babel-plugin-wallace", "@babel/plugin-syntax-jsx"],
presets: ["@babel/preset-env"],
Then the console logs ReturnStatement
which probably breaks our plugin, and makes us doubt whether Babel really applies plugins before presets.
However the explanation is logical. Babel visits the ArrowFunctionExpression
before visiting its child nodes, such as the JSXElement
. The @babel/preset-env
transforms the ArrowFunctionExpression
into this:
var Foo = function Foo(_ref) {
var name =;
return <div>
During the transformation the JSXElement
node got moved into a ReturnStatement
. Babel continues walking the (freshly modified) tree, and eventually reaches the JSXElement
, calling the visitor in babel-plugin-wallace
which detects its parent as the ReturnStatement
One way to get around this would be for babel-plugin-wallace
to declare a ArrowFunctionExpression
visitor, which as per ordering rules, will be called before @babel/preset-env
module.exports = () => {
return {
visitor: {
ArrowFunctionExpression(path) {
// do stuff before @babel/preset-env
The node can be passed to another visitor. See babel/babel#12976
See mixed mode below.
You create new nodes using t
like so:
t.expressionStatement(t.stringLiteral("Is this the real life?"))
All the types are defined here.
Avoid global state at all costs. Also not that state errors may not be apparent until you use a tool such as webpack which loads the plugin and calls it repeatedly.
You can pass it in as state to the traverse()
method and have access to it on this
in the visitor.
const visitorOne = {
Identifier(path) {
if ( === this.exampleState) {
// ...
const MyVisitor = {
FunctionDeclaration(path) {
var exampleState = path.node.params[0].name;
path.traverse(visitorOne, { exampleState });
The plugin must work whether @babel/preset-env
is set or not, meaning we cannot rely on those transformations happening, which is unfortunate as it would simplify things like props destructuring.
All tests are in the wallace package.
cd packages/wallace
npm test
You can also run individual test suites by passing arguments. The suites are numbered, which makes it easy:
npm test 10 11
But you can also use keywords:
npm test nest
Obviously, every aspect and feature must be tested, but coverage goes well beyond that...
The following test may appear to prove that placeholders in attributes work:
test("Placeholders in attribute works", () => {
const css = "danger"
const MyComponent = () => (
<div class={css}>
const component = testMount(MyComponent);
<div class="danger">
But in fact it only proves that placeholders in attributes work:
- When they occur in the root element.
- When there is only one attribute and placeholder per element.
- On first render.
The framework could easily end up in a state where this test would pass, yet it fails to update attribute placeholders in nested elements, when there are multiple placeholders, or after initial render. Familiarity with the plugin code helps identify what kind of eventualities need tested, but the key is to remember that:
We're recursively traversing JSX, keeping tally of various things and collecting directives and other bits to assemble a dynamically updating DOM. In this environment, a small oversight can cause utterly baffling behaviours.
The best policy is to assume that anything could go wrong, and test behaviour in different scenarios, notably:
- In nested elements.
- After an update, then another.
- With single and multiple cases of the behaviour.
- For each possible way of invoking. E.g. variables can come from constants, functions, literals etc.
- For each possible way of defining a component:
- As a class
- In nested components
- In repeated components
Thinking of all the ways a user may attempt to use a feature may alert us to a use case that we hadn't thought of that needs to catered for, or guarded against.
In addition to testing correct usage in all cases, we need to ensure an appropriate error is raised when:
- The feature itself is used incorrectly.
- Other conditions cause it to fail, such as a variable not being declared.
Remember the user may not be using TypeScript. Thinking of all the ways a feature could fail helps us anticipate those errors and display helpful rather than cryptic error messages.
We do not test inside the plugin. We test the behaviour resulting from the interaction of wallace and the plugin. All tests live in the wallace package.
The following test the intersection or visibility and nesting:
nested classes do not update when hidden themselves
nested classes do not update when underneath a hidden element
We need to decide whether they should live in the suite for visibility, nesting or elsewhere. Then we need to account for the fact these tests need to run against components defined as functions or as classes, so we need to decide whether we group tests by function/class then feature, or the other way around. These organisation dilemmas are so prevalent we had to come up with specific rules.
Each test suite should:
- Test one particular aspect or feature.
- Be numbered sequentially. The more basic a feature, the lower the number.
- Only use features covered earlier.
- Cover permutations covered earlier.
- Break these rules if it results in better tests.
Say the structure is as follows:
Having the guidelines, yet being able to break them, solves some dilemmas:
- In
we cover the valid ways to define components, including functions and classes and single or deconstructed props. According to rule 4, this means all subsequent suites must cater for those permutations, so that makes that decision easier. - In
we use mounting, which goes against rule 3, however we're not testing - Refs are perhaps less primary than visibility, but really help testing that, so we slot them in before.
- Rule 3 tells us we test refs apply to nested components in
When we add stubs:
// problem with :hide not working.
export class DialogWithHub extends ModalBase {
__stubs__ = {
<div class="mb-4">
<div :show=".hub.loading" class="loader"></div>
<div :hide=".hub.loading">Loaded</div>
We have to decide whether we add that structure to 1.defining.spec.jsx
and therefore cater for it throughout the other suites, or to create it as its own feature, and test other features within it.
There are several ways to test features.
The default way to test. Use testMount
to mount the component and use the custom jest matcher toRender
import {testMount} from '../utils'
test('Descriptive name', () => {
const Foo =
Hello {name}!
let name = 'Wallace'
const component = testMount(Foo)
Hello <span>Wallace</span>!
Note how a span
element is created for placeholders in text.
This doesn't work for cases where we update DOM element states such as hidden or disabled, in which case you have two options:
TODO: do both still apply? We don't have wrappers. Maybe it should be a ref, which is the element itself.
You can inspect the component's root element directly.
test('Descriptive name', () => {
let disabled = false
const Foo = <button disabled={disabled}>test</button>
const component = load(Foo)
disabled = true
You can do the same using a named wrapper.
import {load} from '../utils'
test('Descriptive name', () => {
let disabled = false
const Foo =
<button w:btn disabled={disabled}>test</button>
const {component} = load(Foo)
const btn = component.w.btn.e
disabled = true
Use the transform
function to transform the code.
const {transform} = require('./utils')
test("JSX code out of place throws SyntaxError", () => {
const opts = {}
const code = `
expect(() => transform(code, opts)).toThrow(SyntaxError)
This allows us to do things which aren't possible using any of the above methods such as:
- Check the generated code.
- Ensure syntax errors are raised.
- Use custom directives.
Warning: the structure generated code will change, so tests should make the minimal assumptions about it, preferably restricted to checking that the out does and doesn't contain certain strings.
We measure performance by running js-framework-benchmark locally.
Compare the performance of your changes by:
- Compiling the benchmark package.
- Copying the output to a new directory in frameworks/non-keyed with the name of your changes (e.g. wallace-feat-xyz) (is this necessary, can benchmark do it even if path not belong to there?)
- Run the benchmark for:
- Your change
- The latest release
- The develop branch
- Any other frameworks
Note that you need at least 10 runs, and that you must run them at the same time to reduce interference from other processes.
We need a way to formalise this.
We aim to keep the base bundle size of wallace
to a minimum by:
- Enabling tree shaking.
- Avoiding ES6 constructs that add mounds of extra code when transpiled, such as classes.
You can obtain the real size of a bundle in a project with:
du -b dist/bundle.js
This section contains notes on some of the features.
We use Babel's visitor pattern to walk the JSX tree, parsing placeholders and directives as they are encountered, then removing the node after it is visited. This has several implications:
- Errors must be thrown as they are encountered, as the node where the error occurs will be removed.
- Directives have no knowledge of what comes after, although they can visit nested JSX.
It is far easier to retain an item in the DOM and mark it hidden than to repeatedly remove it and add it back in. If an element is hidden, then any nested watches should be skipped. Wallace achieves this by counting at compilation how many watches should be skipped for each potentially hidden element, and embedding that in the watches.
Repeat behaviour uses "pools" - see relevant code.
A stub is just a component definition assigned to a prototype field.
We use lerna to version and publish with the following command:
lerna publish --no-private --force-publish
From the docs:
Lerna detects the current packages, identifies the current version and proposes the next one to choose. Once a given version is chosen, Lerna updates the
with the version number, commits the change, adds a corresponding version tag (e.g.v1.0.0
) and pushes the commit and the tag to the remote repository.
The --force-publish
flag will force Lerna to always version all packages, regardless of if they have changed since the previous release.