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Contributor guidelines

joel-costigliola edited this page Sep 23, 2012 · 17 revisions

(to main page)

Thanks for your interest, contributing is easy :

  • Choose or better create a ticket in github (please don't use Fest Jira, we are moving from it !).
  • fork & hack in a branch named according to the issue, example : github-22
    We expect good unit tests and rich javadoc (most importantly for Fest API that is directly used).
    Please, use the eclipse formatting preferences, it will be easier for us to review your work (Idea users can import eclipse formatting preferences).
  • Send a github pull request, we will try to review it in a short delay.
  • feel free to add an example in fest-examples to illustrate your work ! thanks in advance

commits message should follow this template (don't omit the space before #):

github #<issue number> - issue short description
long description (optional)

example :

github #48 - new assertion : DateAssert.hasTime(long)  
javadoc improvements
refactoring : remove actualTimestamp parameter from shouldHaveTime since it can be deduced from actual parameter

gituh #79

Thanks !