import h5py
import json
import os
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import plotly .io as pio
import plotnine as p9
# CONFIG_JSON = "config/simulation-charmander.json"
# CONFIG_JSON = "config/simulation-charmeleon.json"
CONFIG_JSON = "config/simulation-charizard.json"
# CONFIG_JSON = "config/debugging.json"
with open (CONFIG_JSON , "r" ) as file :
CONFIG = json .load (file )
SIM_DIR = f"out/{ CONFIG ['simulation-name' ]} /simulation/remaster"
SIM_PICKLE_DIR = f"out/{ CONFIG ['simulation-name' ]} /simulation/pickle"
DB_PATH = f"out/{ CONFIG ['simulation-name' ]} /{ CONFIG ['output-hdf5' ]} "
PLOT_DIR = f"out/{ CONFIG ['simulation-name' ]} /plots"
if not os .path .exists (PLOT_DIR ):
os .makedirs (PLOT_DIR )
Setting up dataframes from the simulated data
def _record_summary (key , db_conn ):
return {
"key" : key ,
"key_num" : int (key .split ("_" )[1 ]),
"present_time" : db_conn [f"{ key } /input/present" ][()],
"cumulative_infections" : db_conn [f"{ key } /output/present_cumulative" ][()],
"prevalence" : db_conn [f"{ key } /output/present_prevalence" ][()],
"r0_change_times" : db_conn [f"{ key } /output/parameters/r0/change_times" ][()],
"r0_values" : db_conn [f"{ key } /output/parameters/r0/values" ][()],
"tree_height" : db_conn [f"{ key } /input/tree_height" ][()],
DB_CONN = h5py .File (DB_PATH , "r" )
data_dicts = [
_record_summary (key , DB_CONN ) for key in DB_CONN .keys () if key .startswith ("record" )
DB_CONN .close ()
foo = [
{"key_num" : dd ["key_num" ], "change_ix" : ix , "time" : t }
for ix , t in enumerate (dd ["r0_change_times" ].tolist ())
for dd in data_dicts
bar = []
for f in foo :
bar .extend (f )
change_time_df = pd .DataFrame (bar )
tree_times_df = pd .DataFrame (
"key_num" : dd ["key_num" ],
"present" : dd ["present_time" ],
"tmrca" : dd ["present_time" ] - dd ["tree_height" ],
for dd in data_dicts
cases_df = pd .DataFrame (
"key_num" : dd ["key_num" ],
"prevalence" : dd ["prevalence" ],
"cumulative_infections" : dd ["cumulative_infections" ],
for dd in data_dicts
Plot: random selection of R0 functions
tmp = pd .DataFrame (data_dicts ).sample ((50 if len (data_dicts ) > 50 else len (data_dicts )))
def _r0_plot_df (subset_data_dicts_df , key_num ):
global CONFIG
max_sim_duration = CONFIG ["simulation-hyperparameters" ]["duration-range" ][- 1 ]
foo = tmp [tmp .key_num == key_num ].r0_change_times .item ().tolist ()
foo .insert (0 , 0 )
foo .insert (len (foo ), max_sim_duration )
bar = tmp [tmp .key_num == key_num ].r0_values .item ().tolist ()
bar .insert (len (bar ), bar [- 1 ])
return pd .DataFrame ({"time" : foo , "r0" : bar , "key_num" : key_num })
r0_plot_df = pd .concat ([_r0_plot_df (tmp , k ) for k in tmp .key_num .tolist ()])
r0_trajectories_p9 = (
p9 .ggplot ()
+ p9 .geom_step (
data = r0_plot_df , mapping = p9 .aes (x = "time" , y = "r0" , group = "key_num" ), alpha = 0.5
+ p9 .theme_bw ()
r0_trajectories_p9 .save (f"{ PLOT_DIR } /r0_trajectories.png" , width = 10 , height = 10 , dpi = 300 )
r0_trajectories_p9 .save (f"{ PLOT_DIR } /r0_trajectories.svg" , width = 10 , height = 10 , dpi = 300 )
timelines_p9 = (
p9 .ggplot ()
+ p9 .geom_hline (
data = change_time_df ,
mapping = p9 .aes (yintercept = "key_num" ),
color = "gray" ,
linetype = "dashed" ,
+ p9 .geom_point (data = change_time_df , mapping = p9 .aes (x = "time" , y = "key_num" ))
+ p9 .geom_point (
data = tree_times_df , mapping = p9 .aes (x = "present" , y = "key_num" ), color = "red"
+ p9 .geom_point (
data = tree_times_df , mapping = p9 .aes (x = "tmrca" , y = "key_num" ), color = "blue"
+ p9 .theme_bw ()
timelines_p9 .save (f"{ PLOT_DIR } /timelines.png" , width = 10 , height = 10 , dpi = 300 )
timelines_p9 .save (f"{ PLOT_DIR } /timelines.svg" , width = 10 , height = 10 , dpi = 300 )
Distribution of last sequence times
last_seq_hist_p9 = (
p9 .ggplot ()
+ p9 .geom_histogram (
data = tree_times_df ,
mapping = p9 .aes (x = "present" ),
bins = 20 ,
+ p9 .geom_vline (
xintercept = CONFIG ["simulation-hyperparameters" ]["duration-range" ],
linetype = "dashed" ,
color = "red" ,
+ p9 .scale_x_continuous (
limits = (0 , CONFIG ["simulation-hyperparameters" ]["duration-range" ][- 1 ] + 2 ),
name = "Time of last sequence" ,
+ p9 .theme_bw ()
+ p9 .theme (axis_title_y = p9 .element_blank ())
last_seq_hist_p9 .save (f"{ PLOT_DIR } /last_seq_hist.png" , width = 10 , height = 10 , dpi = 300 )
last_seq_hist_p9 .save (f"{ PLOT_DIR } /last_seq_hist.svg" , width = 10 , height = 10 , dpi = 300 )
Distribution of prevalence at present
prevalence_hist_p9 = (
p9 .ggplot ()
+ p9 .geom_histogram (
data = cases_df ,
mapping = p9 .aes (x = "prevalence" ),
bins = 20 ,
+ p9 .scale_x_log10 ()
+ p9 .theme_bw ()
+ p9 .theme (axis_title_y = p9 .element_blank ())
prevalence_hist_p9 .save (f"{ PLOT_DIR } /prevalence_hist.png" , width = 10 , height = 10 , dpi = 300 )
prevalence_hist_p9 .save (f"{ PLOT_DIR } /prevalence_hist.svg" , width = 10 , height = 10 , dpi = 300 )
Distribution of cumulative infections at present
cumulative_infections_hist_p9 = (
p9 .ggplot ()
+ p9 .geom_histogram (
data = cases_df ,
mapping = p9 .aes (x = "cumulative_infections" ),
bins = 20 ,
+ p9 .scale_x_log10 ()
+ p9 .theme_bw ()
+ p9 .theme (axis_title_y = p9 .element_blank ())
cumulative_infections_hist_p9 .save (
f"{ PLOT_DIR } /cumulative_infections_hist.png" , width = 10 , height = 10 , dpi = 300
cumulative_infections_hist_p9 .save (
f"{ PLOT_DIR } /cumulative_infections_hist.svg" , width = 10 , height = 10 , dpi = 300