This project should be treated as a template for other projects based on spring cloud . It contains base configurations for :
- eureka server
- configuration server
- zull proxy (gateway)
- authentication service (JWT token)
- docker configuration
- Apache Maven (
- Docker (
- Git Client (
To build the project as a docker image, open a command-line window change to the directory where you have downloaded the source code.
Run the following maven command. This command will execute the Spotify docker plugin defined in the pom.xml file.
mvn clean package docker:build
If everything builds successfully you should see a message indicating that the build was successful.
Now we are going to use docker-compose to start the actual image. To start the docker image, go to the directory
spring cloud template dir/docker/common
and then run folowing command :
docker-compose up
If everything starts correctly you should see a bunch of Spring Boot information fly by on standard out. At this point all of the services available in project will be running.