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Image order of operations

Aaron W Morris edited this page Aug 17, 2023 · 43 revisions
  1. Dark frame calibration
  2. Save FITS
  3. Calculate jSQM
  4. Stack
  5. Debayer
  6. Save RAW (non-stacked)
  7. Calculate ADU
  8. Stretch
  9. 16-bit Contrast enhance (CLAHE)
  10. Downsample to 8-bit
  11. Rotate
    1. 90 degree
    2. Angle
  12. Flip verticle
  13. Flip hoizontal
  14. Detect stars
  15. Line detection
  16. Crop
  17. White balance
    1. SCNR
    2. Manual WB
    3. Auto WB
  18. Saturation
  19. Contrast enhance (CLAHE)
  20. Colorize (if grayscale)
  21. Image Circle Mask
  22. Logo overlay
  23. Scale image
  24. Write text
  25. Save image
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