There are a lot of tools, libraries and frameworks for Bukkit-based plugin development. This file lists an unexhaustive selection.
Full-blown frameworks that operate on top of Bukkit and define how you write your plugins.
helper is another all-in-one framework that aims to reduce most boilerplate code in bukkit but also other stuff like lilypad, redis and database management.
Main features:
- Events
- Scheduler
- Promise
- Metadata
- Messenger
- Commands
- Scoreboard
- Menu Scheming
- Random
- Bucket
- Profiles
- Plugin & Maven- Annotations
- Terminables
- Serialization
- Bungee Messaging
- JavaScript Plugins
kelp is an all-in-one framework that aims to avoid version-depended code.
Core features:
- Sidebar system
- Inventory system
- NPC system:
- Command system
- Config system
SpigotLib is a collection of several useful libraries and APIs for Spigot plugin development.
- Animations
- BungeeCord Communication
- Chat API
- Command API
- Config management
- EconomyAPI
- Gui API
- Json API
- Language management
- Map API
- Mojang API
- Packet API
- PlayerFile
- RomanNums API
- Scoreboard API
- Time API
- Title API
- TPS meter and crashreporter
- Variable API
Tools that help you with compatibility, interopability, and workflow.
docker-minecraft-server by @itzg
Dockerize minecraft servers by providing customizable images.
MinecraftDev by @minecraft-dev
An IntelliJ plugin that helps you with plugin projects, among others.
paperspigot-docker by @FelixKlauke
Easy to use and clean Docker image for running Paper Spigot servers in Docker containers using OpenJDK.
compatre replaces version-specific nms and craftbukkit types at runtime using bytecode manipulation.
Main features:
- Version compatibility with only a single annotation
- Java agent/Custom class loader
ProtocolSupport by @ProtocolSupport
ProtocolSupport exists to solve the age-old problem of "What do I do if my users refuse to update their client?" in the most effective way possible.
XSeries provides abstraction for several version-depended classes.
Main features:
- potions, materials, sounds, particles, ...
- blocks, entities, bioms
libby lets you add your external dependencies to the classpath without shading.
Main features:
- Dependency relocation
pdm by @knightzmc
pdm lets you add your external dependencies to the classpath without shading.
Main features:
- Declarative dependency notation
- Reuse of shared dependencies (including transitive ones)
- Plugin to integrate with Gradle
PlaceholderAPI by @extendedclip
PlaceholderAPI provides a uniform way to share information with and use information from other plugins.
Main features:
- Developer API
- External expansions
Vault provides bridge APIs for common plugin systems on Bukkit servers.
Main features:
- Economy API
- Chat API
- Permissions API
A GitHub action that allows you to easily compile Minecraft Spigot and install it in your runners local maven repository.
High-level alternatives and extensions for Bukkit's rusty command system. They all aim to reduce the boilerplate involved in writing commands the traditional way.
- Annotation Command Framework by @aikar
- Brigadier by @Mojang
- cloud by @Incendo
- CommandAPI by @JorelAli
- CommandFlow by @unnamed
- Commands-Plus by @Paulanerus
- Commodore by @lucko
- kaesk by @DRSchlaubi
- Matt's framework by @ipsk
- simple-commands by @Paul2708
Templates are repositories which you can use to reduce the work on creating a new project with all that boilerplate stuff.
spigot-gradle-java-template by @NyCodeGHG
Template for creating a Spigot Plugin with Gradle.
spigot-gradle-kotlin-template by @NyCodeGHG
Template for creating a Spigot Plugin with Gradle and the Kotlin programming language.
spigot-plugin-template by @Silthus
Quickstart template to create new Spigot Minecraft plugins.
Libraries are projects that focus on a specific aspect of plugins.
A simple yet powerful framework which simplifies the use of Plugin Messaging Channels.
A lightweight BungeeCord protocol framework supporting items.
Adventure is a library for server-controllable user interface elements in Minecraft: Java Edition.
adventure-text-minimessage by @KyoriPowered
Simple library that implements an easy to use textual format to send rich json messages with Adventure.
better-components by @RealCerus
A very small Spigot library for text components.
This project contains more APIs that help the developer in using the books.
Add click and hover events to chat messages!
IridiumColorAPI by @Iridium-Development
Add gradients and rainbow effects to your messages.
An easy to use, fast and lightweight Minecraft chat component library, written in Kotlin.
A Discord like markdown implementation for Spigot supporting colors and gradients.
A library that adds the ability to use a MarkDown inspired markup to write Minecraft chat components!
simple-message-system by @Amejonah1200
A simple message system for Spigot.
SimplixStorage by @Simplix Softworks
A library to store data in a better way independently from Bukkit or BungeeCord
spigot-lite-repositories by @ExpDev07
An easy way to store objects in spigot plugins, supporting the JSON format.
Utilitites to avoide boilerplate code when working with SQL, contains QueryBuilder, DataSource helper functions and more
- by @Paul2708
A class that allows to wait (non-blocking) for an event.
AnvilGUI provides an API to open an anvil inventory that reacts on renaming.
Main features:
- support of nearly every version
- easy-to-use builder
- set title, items, closing listener and completion listener
Yet another bukkit inventory gui library
IF by @stefvanschie
An inventory framework for managing GUIs
A Java user-interface library with support for Minecraft.
SmartInvs provides an interface for creating inventories by setting clickable items.
Main features:
- Iterator for inventory slots
- Page system
- Util methods to fill an inventory's row/column/borders/...
- Actions when player clicks on an item
More features and examples can be found here.
A simple to use graphical interface system for spigot.
Simple lib to create inventory GUIs for Bukkit platforms.
yet another minecraft inventory framework
Main features:
- intuitive and abstract component API
- easy to use
- minimal
HolographicDisplays by @filoghost
Plugin and API to create holograms.
AnimatedFrames by @InventivetalentDev
Play GIFs and display images in Minecraft
EzMediaCore by @MinecraftMediaLibrary
A professional media playback library and plugin that allows you to play videos in Minecraft!
Streaming OBS video into maps on item frames at a high frame rate
Easy-to-use API for creating clientside Spigot maps
menu-framework by @heroslender
Innovating the way you make menus in minecraft java edition by using maps to render a custom UI and allowing the player to interact with it.
MinecraftMaps by @Redstonneur1256
MinecraftMaps is a plugin and API used to create interactive in game displays.
Library for doing cool stuff (screenshots, videos, 3D rendering, gifs, ...) with Minecraft maps using packets
Library to render custom images, gifs and text on Minecraft map items
Main features:
- Lots of customisation (how often to render, to whom to render, ...)
- Tools to resize/crop/divide images and gifs to better fit maps
- Persistence API
Java API wrapper for the most commonly used parts of the Mojang API.
NMS-free NBT api with yaml, json, SQL and Redis serialization.
Named Binary Tag (NBT) library for Kotlin Multiplatform
simple-nbt by @cerus
Very simple implementation of the NBT (Named Binary Tag) format, including reading and writing.
Play custom
files ingame as noteblock sound.
API to create and manage NPCs using the Citizens plugin
Create fake players with additonal settings by using a clean interface.
Asynchronous, high-performance Minecraft NPC library for 1.8-1.16 servers.
Library that allows developers to create NPCs with an easy-to-use API.
Modern and easy to use packet listener library for modifying packets
ProtocolLib by @aadnk/@dmulloy2
ProtocolLib provides read and write access to the Minecraft server protocol in combination with Bukkit.
Allows constructing of complex effects.
A spigot library supporting all particles from 1.8 to 1.16.5.
Library to help organize tasks.
Library for easier usage of Bukkit Schedulers with the [Kotlin]( programming language.
A Scoreboard API for Bukkit with 1.7-1.16 support.
JScoreboards by @JordanOsterberg
An API with global and per-player scoreboard support.
This API adds custom lines of text below a players name.
Netherboard provides a simple-to-use wrapper for scoreboards.
Main features:
- simple syntax for creation
BPlayerBoard board = Netherboard.instance().createBoard(player, scoreboard, "My Scoreboard");
- simple syntax for adding/removing scores:
board.set("Test Score", 5);
- simple syntax for creation
simple-scoreboard by @einfachBlu
This library was made to handle easier the scoreboard components, especially tablist and the sidebar.
Spigot Socket API and Bungeecord Skript Addon.
MockBukkit is a framework that makes the unit testing of Bukkit plugins a whole lot easier. It aims to be provide complete mock implementation of CraftBukkit that can be completely controlled from a unit test.
Hides entities and tiles(mainly chests) that players are not able to see due to blocks in the way(occlusion culling), and then blocks packets for these entities.
FastAsyncWorldEdit by @boy0001
Fork of WorldEdit that operates asynchronously for higher performance.
Iris is a full-featured terrain generator including multiple dimensions and configuration opportunities.
Slime-World-Manager by @Grinderwolf
Implementation of the Slime Region Format, developed by the Hypixel Dev Team.
Plugin and API to manipulate Minecraft worlds.
WorldGeneratorAPI by @rutgerkok
API to create custom world generators easily.
WorldGuard by @sk89q
Plugin and API to manage and protect custom areas of Minecraft worlds.
Who says that you can only use Java to write plugins?
VisualBukkit by @OfficialDonut
VisualBukkit is a visual programming language for Bukkit plugins.
Skript is a domain specific language for Bukkit with the aim to enable non-programmers to be able to write their own plugins.
NPC and general Spigot scripting, using the Denizen Scripting Language.
spiglin is a collection of extensions and utilities for plugins written in the Kotlin programming language.
KotlinBukkitAPI by @DevSrSouza
KotlinBukkitAPI is an API for Bukkit/SpigotAPI using the cool and nifty features Kotlin has to make your life more easier.
KSpigot adds functionality missing in spigot and makes it possible to do things the kotlin way.
spigot-clj-template by @JohnnyJayJay
spigot-clj-template is a Leiningen template to write plugins using the Clojure programming language.
spigot-gradle-kotlin-template by @NyCodeGHG
Template for creating a Spigot Plugin with Gradle and the Kotlin programming language.
minecraft-python is an interpreter system leveraging Jython to write Spigot plugins in Python.
Lukkit allows you to write Spigot plugins in LUA.