Accept Color Code with "#" or "rgba", "hsla"'
The multiplication parameter for mouth openness. Range(0, 20)
The multiplication parameter to rotate the chest as the head rotation. Range(-1, 1)
The threshold that control the coherent of the 2 eyes. When the absolute difference of the 2 eyes openness is smaller then the value, the 2 eyes will move together. Range(0, 1)
Close the eye when the openness is small than the threshold. Range(0, 1)
Close the eye when the openness is small than the threshold. Range(0, 1)
Fully open the eye when the openness is larger than the threshold. Range(0, 1)
Fully open the eye when the openness is larger than the threshold. Range(0, 1)
The ratio of half-open eye between fully open and close. Range(0, 1)
The ratio of half-open eye between fully open and close. Range(0, 1)
The offset of iris turning, default 0.0. Range(-1, 1)
The ratio of iris turning speed, default 5.0. Range(0, 20)
Motion become more stable with larger value, but small guesture become harder to track. Avatar stop moving when the value is 1. Range(0, 0.95)
Flip the camera horizontally. Accept "true|false" value