Here is the code for the hook part of SimpleHook
simpleHook.apk(password: simple)
TG Group: @simpleHook
Email: [email protected]
SimpleHook is mainly simple, just like the name. If you pursue more complex hook operation, it is recommended to use jsHook (You can implement very powerful Hook), Qujing (computer browser operation); if you pursue more extended functions, it is recommended to use [算法助手]
Function overview: custom return value, parameter value, etc., record common encryption algorithms, toast, dialog, popupwindow, JSONObject creation and put, etc.
Development plan: Due to busy schoolwork, new functions cannot be added for the time being
front page
Click the plus sign to add configuration, click Add configuration to enter the following page
Configuration page
Click the 'Search Style' icon to enter the AppList page and select an application
Click the 'Download Style' icon to save the configuration
Click the plus sign in the lower right corner to fill in the configuration in the pop-up window
There are multiple modes to choose from. Before entering the class name, it is recommended to understand the settings page (smali to config), which can simplify filling.
Extended page
Specific function
Click the "Play Style" button to open the floating window (you need to grant the permission of the floating window), and then open the target application, you can display some information (the print parameter value, return value, and most functions of the extended page are enabled)
Floating window
The following are the writing rules: (You can download HookTest.apk, this App applies all the situations and includes configuration)
Please understand the setting page [smali to config] before use, it can simplify your operation (with reverse analysis software such as MT manager)
Please use the normal version first, and use the ROOT version when the normal version cannot be used! ! !
Support Java syntax and Smali syntax to fill in configuration information
// java me.simplehook.MainActivty // smali Lme/simplehook/MainActivity; //must have --> ; <--
Support for primitive types and other type parameters
// Type is mainly used to fill in the parameter type and variable type // Basic types you can fill in using java syntax like this boolean int long short char byte float double // You can also use smali syntax to fill in basic types like this Z I J S C B F D // For other types, you can use java syntax to fill in jave.lang.String android.content.Context // You can also use smali syntax to fill in other types like this Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/content/Context; //must have --> ; <--
It should be noted here that this software does not need to fill in the return value and parameter value type like other software, this software does not need it, you only need to fill in according to the rules, automatic judgment
Type (java, smali) | Examples of value | Note |
boolean (boolean, Z) | true, false | |
int(int, I) | 1, 2, 3 | |
long(long, J) | 1l, 120000L, 123456l | Note: Number + 'L' |
short(short, S) | 1short, 2short | Note: number + 'short' |
char(char, C) | 195c | Note: conforms to char type string + 'c' |
byte(byte, B) | 2b, 3b | Note: conforms to byte type string + 'b' |
float(float, F) | 2f, 3f, 3.0f | Note: number + 'f' |
double(double, D) | 2d, 3d, 3.0d | Note: number + 'd' |
Other types can only return null (except strings), null
Convert everything that does not conform to the primitive type and null to string type
Special Strings | Examples of Values | Notes |
Number | 111s, 2002s | Commonly seen in "111111", but in this software you need to add s after the number, if you don't add s, it will be converted into a number, which may cause the target application to crash |
Boolean | trues, falses | Common in "true" and "false", but in this software, you need to add s after the boolean value. If you do not add s, it will be converted to a boolean value, which may cause the target application to crash |
null | nulls | Commonly seen in "null", but in this software, you need to add s after null. If you do not add s, it will be converted to null, which may lead to a null pointer in the target application |
Empty string | English word 'empty' or Chinese character '空' | If you fill in the blank directly, you will not be able to save the configuration, this is to prevent you from not filling in the modified value when you use it, which will cause the normal Hook |
Fill in the following json code for the return value, for return value only
{ "random": "abcdefgh123456789", "length": 9, "key": "key", "updateTime": 100, "defaultValue": "" }Introduction to the above json format code:
"random": string, fill in which characters the random text consists of "length": an integer representing how long random text needs to be generated "key": string, unique identification code, can be filled in casually, but when multiple random return values are used in a software, different ones need to be filled in "updateTime": an integer, representing how long to update the random text at intervals, in seconds, -1 means update every time "defaultValue": optional
// eg 1
import simple.example;
public class Example{
public static boolean isFun() {
boolean result = true;
return result
Mode: Hook return value
The class name should be filled in: simple.example.Example
The method name should be filled in: isFun
The parameter type should be filled in: Fill in nothing, because this method has no parameters
The modified value should be filled in: true or false
Filling method of multiple parameter parameter types (separated by English commas, parameter types support arrays):
// eg 2
import simple.example;
public class Example{
public static String isFun(Sring str, Context context, boolean b) {
String result = str;
return result;
Mode:Hook return value
The class name should be filled in: simple.example.Example
The method name should be filled in: isFun
Parameter type should be filled in:
java syntax: java.lang.String,android.content.Context,boolean (use commas to separate the parameters, only one parameter does not need a comma)
smali syntax: Ljava/lang/String;,Landroid/content/Context;,Z
The modified value should be filled: it is a string (should meet the filling rules of the result value, no quotation marks are required)
This function can convert json to object (use Gson). If you don't know what the Json format of this object looks like, you can use the function [record return value] and copy the return value. This function is not omnipotent and does not apply to all situations. Simple data classes should be no problem, and arrays are not supported for the time being.
Mode: hook return value+
Class name of the return value: fill in the class name of the return value
Modify the value: fill in the json code, such as
{"isHook":false,"level":10000}For example:
import simple.example; // data class public class UserBean { private boolean isHook; private int level; public UserBean(boolean isHook, int level) { this.isHook = isHook; this.level = level; } } public class Example{ public static UserBean isFun() { UserBean userBean = new UserBean(true, 10); ... ... return userBean; } } /* If the return value of hook isFun Mode: hook return value + Class name: simple.example.Example Method name: isFun Parameter Type: The class name of the return value: simple.example.UserBean Result value: {"isHook":false,"level":10000} */
// The type value is the same as the hook return value type
//Special usage, such as the following code
public boolean isModuleLive(Context context, String str, int level){
retrun true
//If you only want the value of the hook level, you can fill in the following in the column to modify the value
//If you only want the value of hook str, you can fill in the following in the column to modify the value
//If you only want the value of hook str and level, you can fill in the following in the column to modify the value
//If you want all hooks, you can fill in the following in the modified value column
null,hahaha, 99 // context being null may cause a crash
Filling method of multiple parameter parameter types (separated by English commas):
Or fill in as follows
// This mode will intercept method execution
// Fill in the same as the hook return value or hook parameter value, do not need to fill in the return value and parameter value
public void printString() {
The output is
test Break Mode is not output
// if: this method is interrupted
public void testBreakMethod() {
System.out.println("test Break Mode")
Hook all methods of the same name in a class, fill in * for the method parameter type
// Fill in the method name: <init>
import simple.example;
public class Example{
int a;
int b;
public Example(int a, boolean b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b
// Hook mode, choose according to your own needs, generally the hook parameter value/record parameter value, other modes may cause the software to crash
Fill in the method name: <init>
For example, modify two parameter values
Fill in the class name: simple.example.Example
Fill in the method name: <init>
Fill in the parameter type: int, int
Fill in the result value: 88,99
import simple.example;
public class Example{
public static boolean isTest = false;
import simple.example;
public class MainActivity extends Acitvity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
private void initData(){
Example.isTest = false;
private void initView() {
//You want to change isTest to true, so you should hook this field after assigning a value
// Concrete values only support primitive types, and strings
// There is no need to fill in the field type; it must comply with the [result value] filling rules
Mode: Hook static field
Hook point: after/before fill in as needed, default after
The class name should be filled in: simple.example.MainActivity;
The method name should be filled in: initData
The parameter type should be filled in: (nothing is filled in, because this method has no parameters)
The class name where the variable is located: simple.example.Example
The variable name should be filled in: isTest
The modified value should be filled in: true/false
import simple.example;
public class UseBean {
private boolean isHook;
private int level;
public UseBean(boolean isHook, int level) {
this.isHook = isHook;
this.level = level;
public boolean isHook() {
return isHook;
public void setHook(boolean hook) {
isHook = hook;
public int getLevel() {
return level;
public void setLevel(int level) {
this.level = level;
import simple.example;
public class MainActivity extends Acitvity {
private User user;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
private void initData(){
user = new User(true, 100);
private void initView() {
//You want to modify isHook, level, so you should go to hook after this variable is assigned
// Concrete values only support primitive types, and strings
// There is no need to fill in the field type; it must comply with the [result value] filling rules
Mode: Hook instance field
Hook point: after/before fill in as needed, the default is after
The class name should be filled in: simple.example.UseBean;
The method name should be filled in: <init> // <init> represents the constructor
The parameter type should be filled in: boolean, int
The variable name should be filled in: isHook
The modified value should be filled in: true/false
Instance field/member field: cross-class hooks like static field are not supported. You can only hook the field value after a method of this class is executed.
The parameter values of the method will be recorded, go to the record page to view, If the parameter is an array or list, it will be converted to json format
The return value of the method will be recorded, go to the record page to view If the result is an array or list, it will be converted to json format
The parameter value and return value of the method will be recorded together, go to the record page to view If the result is an array or list, it will be converted to json format If the parameter is an array or list, it will be converted to json format
Remember to turn on the main switch Please go to the app to view the functions
You may not have Turn on storage permission to write configuration (top of settings page)
If it is not enabled, it will only read data from the database, but there is a problem,
Turn on storage permission to write configuration, still no effect:
You can view the framework log. If it prompts that the storage file has no storage file configuration, make sure to enable the write storage configuration
In addition, in some cases, the storage file update configuration needs to be refreshed manually. It can be refreshed by opening, closing, editing and saving.
You also need to manually refresh the configuration to switch between the ROOT version and the normal version (generally only needed for extended configuration)
After uninstalling and reinstalling the target application, it is generally necessary to manually refresh the configuration (generally only required for extended configuration)
After this experimental function is enabled, a 'pasteboard' icon will be added to the top of the configuration page. Click to convert the application code or signature into a configuration (to prevent manual input errors). After adding the configuration, you need to manually select the appropriate mode and result value. Example of calling code:
iget v0, p0, Lme/duck/hooktest/bean/UseBean;->level:I invoke-virtual {v0}, Lme/duck/hooktest/bean/UseBean;->isHook()ZExample of method signature and field signature:
Lme/duck/hooktest/bean/UseBean;->level:I Lme/duck/hooktest/bean/UseBean;->isHook()ZThe above can be selected by long-pressing a field or method in the MT Manager navigation to select Copy Signature or Find Call
There is no difference in function between the two, only the difference in writing to the local configuration directory. If you use the root version, but your model is not suitable for the root version, you will be prompted in the xposed framework log.
The root configuration storage directory is:
/data/simpleHook/target application package name/config/
/storage/emluated/0/Android/data/target application package name/simpleHook/config/
The general version configuration storage directory is:
/storage/emluated/0/Android/data/target application package name/simpleHook/config/
config.json is the custom hook configuration, assistConfig.json is the extension function configuration
How to choose, first use the normal version, if the normal version cannot be used, then use the root version, both versions may have one version that does not work on different models
You may not have Turn on storage permission to write configuration (top of settings page)
Remember to manually refresh the configuration after opening (re-save or switch the configuration)
You may not have turned on Enable storage permissions to write to configuration (switch configuration settings at the top of the page)
Remember to manually refresh the configuration after opening (re-save or switch the configuration)
Some hooks support manually filling in the hook point. The hook point is the hook before the method is executed or the hook after the method is executed.
before: hook before method execution; after: hook after the method is executed
When you uninstall the app or clear data, the target app configuration file may still be saved in the storage file
- /data/simpleHook/target application package name/config/
- /storage/emluated/0/Android/data/target application package name/simpleHook/config/
This function is to traverse all application directories and delete useless configurations (the configuration is displayed in this application).
Because it needs to traverse all applications will be slower