Thank you for contributing source code to OWGE project.
Please notice that this project was not initially intended to become Opensource, so developing is a bit tricky, development in Linux machine has not been tested
Required tools
- Docker
- git
- STS 3.9.4 or greater
- Maven template variables
- Sonarlint plugin for Eclipse
- XAMPP or LAMP (MySQL version must be 5.7)
- Tomcat 7 (Tomcat 8 has not been tested)
- Drupal 8 (TODO I have to better elaborate this one)
- Angular CLI 5. You can install latest Angular CLI, as the client itself will use downgraded version
- Document This extension
- Tslint extension
- Angular Language Service
Steps to get a working development environment
- Download Kevinsuite Java and install it to your local maven repository, alternatively you can import the projects in your Eclipse. This step is required because Kevinsuite is not in maven central repository (for now)
- In your computer add the IP address to the list of IP Addresses it has (This is a temporary requirement, as must Fix the Dockerfile of development container)
- Open a bash a cd into docker-ci/dev/main_reverse_proxy , run
and then launch the container with any of the run commands (depending on your platform) - Extract the tomcat and add it to STS
- Create a database for the game, with
, and import the file business/database/sgalactica_java.sql it everything is correct, you should now import the required minimal data, to do so import business/database/sql/insert-data.sql - Add the following datasources to your tomcat
<Resource name="jdbc/owgejava" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
maxActive="10" maxIdle="3" maxWait="10" username="root"
validationQuery="SELECT 1" testOnBorrow="true" testOnConnect="true"
testWhileIdle="true" logValidationErrors="true" password="1234"
driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://" />
- Now you are ready to launch the backend, add the game-rest to the Tomcat, and launch it
- To launch the frontend, it's recommended to define an alias in your bash profile for example:
alias owgengserve='cd /path/to/game-frontend; npm run start -- --host --public-host --live-reload false';
public host must point to your docker machine IP, that will be the url you are going to use in the browser, for example 9. Drupal part (required for login, MUST CONTINUE THIS GUIDE HERE!, as I have to upload the required modules to Github too)
Working with branches and understanding versioning
The OWGE project uses semver versioning, meaning 1.2.3 is (1 major version, 2 minor version and 3 patch version ).
- Major: Typically means changes that break the code, in libraries would be removing or changing public elements, in entire projects, usually means a rewrite
- Minor: Adds new features/user stories
- Patch: Fixes bugs, or applies little improvements for an existing feature
Typically OWGE has development support for two branches, master
and the last stable version. For example as of this writing, the stable version is 0.7.x.
- master: Will have the new features, and at this point will be 0.8.0, will merge patches from older versions, for example if a new patch version is published to 0.7.x will merge it into master, when the minor version has enoughs features, v0.8.x branch will be created, and a tag with v0.8.0 will be created, so master will now point to 0.9.0
- 0.7.x: Will have the new fixes or non-feature improvements, after some of them a patch version will be created by tagging it, for example v0.7.1
push to master or to a version branch, instead, create a pull request from your working branch
- feature/4 Where 4 would be the issue id of the user story,
- bug/18 Where 18 would be the issue id of the bug,
- improvement/44 Where 44 would be the issue id of the non-feature improvement
Working examples:
- Feature with issue id 4, which has two task with id 11 and 12:
$ git branch
* master
$ git pull origin master # Before branching make sure I'm up to date
$ git branch feature/4
# After implementing some thigns
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "#11"
# You didn't properly finish #11
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "#11 (2nd commit reason text) I know it's a good practice to do a little explaning when an issue gets more than one commit"
# Do things to implement #12
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "#12"
$ git push origin feature/4
# Then you create a pull request to owge/master it's mandatory to specify the #4 in the pull request description
- Bug with id 18:
$ git branch
* v0.7.x
$ $ git pull origin v0.7.x # Before branching make sure I'm up to date
$ git branch bug/18
# Do the fix
$ git add.
$ git commit -m "#18"
$ git push origin bug/18
# Then you create a pull request to owge/v0.7.x
Coding rules
- NOTICE: Before you start reading the rules, don't trust in the current code in the
game-frontend folder
, as it has old code, and not all code in that folder is compliant with this rules, migration is work in progress when old code is required to be modified. ⚠️ ⚠️ It's absolutely mandatory to fully respect tslint and sonarlint rules, not doing so will mean to completely ignore the pull request till the SonarLint and tslint issues has been fixed by the contributor⚠️ ⚠️ .- Code and code documentation MUST be in *English
- Files&Directories names MUST be lowercase dashed. Examples: game-frontend, some-long-name-dir, excluding .java files
- All public classes and methods must have the Javadoc and the TSDoc completely defined, @since tag is mandatory
- In Angular don't use the global styles file, unless you are apllying style to the whole interface, and not to a single component
- When creating Angular files it's important to follow the following rules
- Modules should be places in game-frontend/src/app/modules/
- Components, Services, Stores, pipes, Types, Interfaces, etc must be placed always inside modules folder
- In Angular you must follow the way Angular defines the filenames, Example: some.component.ts, user.service.ts, but non Angular types must also follow this convention:
- Types must be defined like
interface Some
and filename will besome.type.ts
- Interfaces must be defined like
interface SocketHandler
and file will besocket-handler.interface.ts
- Pojos must be defined like
class User
and file will look likeuser.pojo.ts
- All other type of objects, will have in the class name the suffix of its type, and the filename will be
, for exampleclass DateUtil
date.util.ts - Util class must be abstract and have a private constructor
- Types must be defined like
- HTML attributes (including class and id) must be lowercase dashed, for example:
<div class="some-class-name" custom-attribute="custom-value"><div>
- In Angular all private and protected properties and methods MUST HAVE an initial underscore for example:
class Some {
protected _bar;
private _foo;
private _baz(): void {
- When defining properties and methods, must be ordered by its visibility modifier, so a fully defined class would loo like this
class SuperService {
public static someVar: number;
protected static _otherVar: string;
private static readonly _SOME_STATIC_CONST = 12031993;
public static staticPubMethod(): foo {...}
protected static _staticProtMethod(): User {...}
private static _saySecret(input: string): string {...}
public instancePub = true;
protected _instanceProt: Defined;
private _instancePriv: string;
// Please >> Note << the constructor MUST be the first non-static method
public constructor(...){}
public sayHi(): string {...}
protected _sayFoo(): number {...}
private _otherFoo(): void {...}
When a class implements an interface this must have the interface name as a Suffix Example
class SomeSocketMessage implements SocketMessage
When the method is not a
nor asetter
it is forbidden to start its name with get or with set, use other words, like find, or define
// Java
class SomeJavaRestService {
private Integer number = 8;
private Connection connection;
public Integer getNumber() {
return number;
// NOT a real setter as it has logic
public void setNumber(Integer param) {
dbCon.query("DELETE FROM some_table WHERE number " + param);
dbCon.query("UPDATE some_other_table SET number = number + " + param);
number = param;
// Correct method name
public void defineNumber(Integer param) {
dbCon.query("DELETE FROM some_table WHERE number " + param);
dbCon.query("UPDATE some_other_table SET number = number + " + param);
number = param;