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KeyError: key :S not found
in map_ssas_to_source
Something isn't working
An issue or pull request relating to the TypedSyntax.jl subpackage
I recognize this is one of the CodeTracking bugs identified in #401, where it finds the wrong method: julia> mi = badmis[end-7]
MethodInstance for (Vector)(::Vector{S}) where S
julia> mi.def
(Array{T, N} where T)(x::AbstractArray{S, N}) where {S, N}
@ Core boot.jl:498
julia> definition(String, mi.def)
("Array{T,1}() where {T} = Array{T,1}(undef, 0)", 496) Clearly not the same method. There's work on improving CodeTracking going on in timholy/CodeTracking.jl#108 |
KeyError: key :S not found
in map_ssas_to_source
Would it be helpful to have another MRE? |
This MRE passes on julia 1.11, but fails on 1.10. Error first, then the source file at the end: (@v1.10) pkg> st
Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.10/Project.toml`
[69d22d85] About v1.0.1
[1520ce14] AbstractTrees v0.4.5
⌃ [6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v1.5.0
[a2441757] Coverage v1.6.1
[f68482b8] Cthulhu v2.16.2
[31a5f54b] Debugger v0.7.10
[ab62b9b5] DeepDiffs v1.2.0
⌃ [fb4d412d] FixedPointDecimals v0.5.3
[c27321d9] Glob v1.3.1
[92ed2492] HeapSnapshotUtils v0.1.0 `https://github.com/RelationalAI/HeapSnapshotUtils.jl#main`
[7ec9b9c5] Humanize v1.0.0
⌃ [5903a43b] Infiltrator v1.8.3
[70703baa] JuliaSyntax v0.4.10
[1fcbbee2] LookingGlass v0.3.3 `~/.julia/dev/LookingGlass`
[bdcacae8] LoopVectorization v0.12.171
[1914dd2f] MacroTools v0.5.15
[85b6ec6f] MethodAnalysis v0.4.13
⌃ [e4faabce] PProf v3.1.3
⌃ [14b8a8f1] PkgTemplates v0.7.52
⌃ [c46f51b8] ProfileView v1.8.0
[92933f4c] ProgressMeter v1.10.2
[9c30249a] RAI v0.2.9
[817f1d60] ReTestItems v1.29.0
⌃ [295af30f] Revise v3.7.1
[aa65fe97] SnoopCompile v3.0.2 `~/work/jl_depots/raicode2/dev/SnoopCompile`
[e2b509da] SnoopCompileCore v3.0.0 `~/.julia/dev/SnoopCompile/SnoopCompileCore`
[ac92255e] Speculator v0.2.0
[1e6cf692] TestEnv v1.102.0 `~/work/jl_depots/raicode2/dev/TestEnv`
⌃ [e689c965] Tracy v0.1.3
Info Packages marked with ⌃ have new versions available and may be upgradable.
(@v1.10) pkg> add MacroTools
julia> Revise.includet("Onions/src/cthluhu-mre.jl")
julia> @descend cmp(RelNumber(1), RelNumber(2))
cmp(a::RelNumber, b::RelNumber) @ Main ~/Documents/play/rel-interpreter/Onions/src/cthluhu-mre.jl:222
222 function Base.cmp::Core.Const(cmp)(a::RelNumber::RelNumber, b::RelNumber::RelNumber)::Int64
223 return peel(b::RelNumber)::Int64 do bv; cmp_inner(a, bv) ; end
224 end
Select a call to descend into or ↩ to ascend. [q]uit. [b]ookmark.
Toggles: [w]arn, [h]ide type-stable statements, [t]ype annotations, [s]yntax highlight for Source/LLVM/Native, [j]ump to source always.
Show: [S]ource code, [A]ST, [T]yped code, [L]LVM IR, [N]ative code
Actions: [E]dit source code, [R]evise and redisplay
• peel(b::RelNumber)
ERROR: KeyError: key Symbol("#53#T") not found
[1] getindex
@ ./dict.jl:498 [inlined]
[2] map_ssas_to_source(src::Core.CodeInfo, mi::Core.MethodInstance, rootnode::JuliaSyntax.SyntaxNode, Δline::Int64)
@ TypedSyntax ~/.julia/packages/TypedSyntax/eS4sW/src/node.jl:816
[3] tsn_and_mappings(mi::Core.MethodInstance, src::Core.CodeInfo, rt::Any, sourcetext::SubString{…}, lineno::Int64; warn::Bool, strip_macros::Bool, kwargs::@Kwargs{})
@ TypedSyntax ~/.julia/packages/TypedSyntax/eS4sW/src/node.jl:54
[4] tsn_and_mappings(mi::Core.MethodInstance, src::Core.CodeInfo, rt::Any; warn::Bool, strip_macros::Bool, kwargs::@Kwargs{})
@ TypedSyntax ~/.julia/packages/TypedSyntax/eS4sW/src/node.jl:39
[5] tsn_and_mappings
@ ~/.julia/packages/TypedSyntax/eS4sW/src/node.jl:32 [inlined]
[6] #get_typed_sourcetext#23
@ ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/reflection.jl:377 [inlined]
[7] get_typed_sourcetext
@ ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/reflection.jl:376 [inlined]
[8] find_callsites(interp::Cthulhu.CthulhuInterpreter, CI::Core.CodeInfo, stmt_infos::Vector{…}, mi::Core.MethodInstance, slottypes::Vector{…}, optimize::Bool, annotate_source::Bool, pc2excts::Nothing)
@ Cthulhu ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/reflection.jl:33
@ Cthulhu ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/Cthulhu.jl:571
@ Cthulhu ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/Cthulhu.jl:722
[11] _descend
@ ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/Cthulhu.jl:472 [inlined]
[12] _descend
@ ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/Cthulhu.jl:875 [inlined]
[13] #_descend#128
@ ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/Cthulhu.jl:891 [inlined]
[14] __descend_with_error_handling(args::Any; terminal::Any, kwargs...)
@ Cthulhu ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/Cthulhu.jl:275
[15] _descend_with_error_handling(f::Any, argtypes::Any; kwargs::@Kwargs{iswarn::Bool})
@ Cthulhu ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/Cthulhu.jl:264
[16] descend(::Any, ::Vararg{Any}; kwargs::@Kwargs{})
@ Cthulhu ~/.julia/packages/Cthulhu/dysgf/src/Cthulhu.jl:318
[17] top-level scope
@ REPL[6]:1
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types. Whereas on 1.11, this works fine: julia> @descend cmp(RelNumber(1), RelNumber(2))
cmp(a::RelNumber, b::RelNumber) @ Main ~/Documents/play/rel-interpreter/Onions/src/cthluhu-mre.jl:222
222 function Base.cmp::Core.Const(cmp)(a::RelNumber::RelNumber, b::RelNumber::RelNumber)::Int64
223 return peel(b::RelNumber)::Int64 do bv; cmp_inner(a, bv) ; end
224 end
Select a call to descend into or ↩ to ascend. [q]uit. [b]ookmark.
Toggles: [w]arn, [h]ide type-stable statements, [t]ype annotations, [s]yntax highlight for Source/LLVM/Native, [j]ump to source always.
Show: [S]ource code, [A]ST, [T]yped code, [L]LVM IR, [N]ative code
Actions: [E]dit source code, [R]evise and redisplay
• peel(b::RelNumber)
peel(func::var"#120#F", x::var"#53#T") where {var"#120#F", var"#53#T"<:RelNumber} @ Main ~/Documents/play/rel-interpreter/Onions/src/cthluhu-mre.jl:108
108 function (Onions.peel(
109 func::var"#10#11"{RelNumber}::F,
110 x::RelNumber::T
111 ) where {F, T<:$(esc(namify(T)))})::Int64
112 tag::UInt8 = getfield(x::RelNumber, :tag)::UInt8
113 return $(ifelse(
114 [(:(tag === $(UInt8(i))), :(func(unsafe_getproperty(x, Val($(QuoteNode(f)))))))
115 for (i, f) in enumerate(namify.(fields))],
116 # It is _super_ perf-sensitive to outline the assertion-failure here.
117 # From 35μs to 5μs for peel benchmark. In any case, this is expected to
118 # be unreachable for a well-formed union instance.
119 :(tag_not_found(T, tag::UInt8)::Bool)
120 ))
121 end
Select a call to descend into or ↩ to ascend. [q]uit. [b]ookmark.
Toggles: [w]arn, [h]ide type-stable statements, [t]ype annotations, [s]yntax highlight for Source/LLVM/Native, [j]ump to source always.
Show: [S]ource code, [A]ST, [T]yped code, [L]LVM IR, [N]ative code
Actions: [E]dit source code, [R]evise and redisplay
• %9 = < concrete eval > Val(::Core.Const(:i8))::Core.Const(Val{:i8}())
%10 = unsafe_getproperty(::RelNumber,::Val{:i8})::Int8
%11 = #10(::Int8)::Int64
%19 = < concrete eval > Val(::Core.Const(:i16))::Core.Const(Val{:i16}())
%20 = unsafe_getproperty(::RelNumber,::Val{:i16})::Int16
%21 = #10(::Int16)::Int64
%29 = < concrete eval > Val(::Core.Const(:i32))::Core.Const(Val{:i32}())
%30 = unsafe_getproperty(::RelNumber,::Val{:i32})::Int32
%31 = #10(::Int32)::Int64
v %39 = < concrete eval > Val(::Core.Const(:i64))::Core.Const(Val{:i64}())
(@v1.11) pkg> st
Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.11/Project.toml`
[6e4b80f9] BenchmarkTools v1.6.0
⌃ [f68482b8] Cthulhu v2.16.1
[31a5f54b] Debugger v0.7.10
[1914dd2f] MacroTools v0.5.15
⌃ [e4faabce] PProf v3.1.3
[817f1d60] ReTestItems v1.29.0
[295af30f] Revise v3.7.2
Info Packages marked with ⌃ have new versions available and may be upgradable. MRE file for the above: module Onions
export @union
isonion(::Type) = false
using MacroTools
using MacroTools: @capture, @q
function fieldtype(ex)
@capture(ex, _::T_ | _)
return something(T, Any)
params(ex) = isexpr(ex, :curly) ? ex.args[2:end] : []
function freetypevars(ex)
if isexpr(ex, Symbol)
elseif !isexpr(ex)
elseif isexpr(ex, :(.))
elseif isexpr(ex, :curly, :tuple)
reduce(vcat, freetypevars.(ex.args))
error("unrecognised type expression $ex")
function ifelse(clauses, default=nothing)
return foldr(((cond, body), els) -> Expr(:if, cond, body, els), clauses; init=default)
@noinline throw_not_set(::Type{T}, f) where {T} =
error("Field $f is not active for type $(T)")
@noinline tag_not_found(::Type{T}, tag) where {T} =
error("Malformed instance of union type $(T): Unexpected tag value: $(tag)")
function field end
function fields end
function fieldidx end
function unsafe_getproperty end
function _ueq end
# Peel the field with the given type. Implemented by the user.
# E.g. peel_as(Int, x) gets the Int field of x
# TODO (azreika): bit of a hack to make migration smoother
function peel_as end
macro union(ex)
@capture(ex, struct T_ <: ParentType_
end | struct T_
end) || error("@union struct ...")
types = Dict(namify(f) => fieldtype(f) for f in fields)
fields = namify.(fields)
if isnothing(ParentType)
ParentType = Any
@assert length(fields) >= 1 || error("Union must have at least one field")
forbidden = [namify(T), namify.(params(T))...]
unboxed = filter(x -> isdisjoint(freetypevars(types[x]), forbidden), fields)
type = @q struct $(esc(T)) <: $(esc(ParentType))
ptrs::P($(esc(namify(T))), $(esc.(params(T))...))
@q function $(esc(T))(::Val{$(QuoteNode(f))}, value) where {$(esc.(params(T))...)}
f_val = convert($(esc(types[f])), value)
if $(f in unboxed) && isbitstype($(esc(types[f])))
new($(UInt8(i)), f_val, nothing)
new($(UInt8(i)), nothing, f_val)
for (i, f) in enumerate(fields)
types = Dict($([:($(QuoteNode(f)) => $(esc(types[f]))) for f in unboxed]...))
unboxed = [f for (f, T) in types if isbitstype(T)]
Storage = Union{Nothing, [types[f] for f in unboxed]...}
P($(esc(namify(T))), $(esc.(params(T))...)) = Union{Nothing,$([:($(QuoteNode(f)) in unboxed ? Union{} : $(esc(types[f]))) for f in fields]...)}
$(esc(T))(; kw...) where {$(esc.(params(T))...)} = $(esc(T))(Val(only(kw)[1]), only(kw)[2])
Onions.isonion(::Type{<:$(esc(namify(T)))}) = true
Onions.fields(x::$(esc(T))) where {$(esc.(params(T))...)} = ($(QuoteNode.(fields)...),)
Onions.fieldidx(::Type{<:$(esc(T))}, f::Symbol) where {$(esc.(params(T))...)} =
# NOTE: This lookup in the NamedTuple compiles away when f is const-propped in
# getproperty, and it's a constant-time lookup if it's dynamic.
getfield(($([:($f = $(UInt8(i))) for (i, f) in enumerate(namify.(fields))]...),), f)
:(function Onions.unsafe_getproperty(x::$(esc(T)), ::Val{$(QuoteNode(f))}) where {$(esc.(params(T))...)}
$(if f in unboxed
:(if isbitstype($(esc(types[f])))
return getfield(x, :bits)::$(esc(types[f]))
getfield(x, :ptrs)::$(esc(types[f]))
for f in fields
# NOTE: Even though the following two functions share most of their implementation,
# for some reason julia doesn't infer them well if you try to factor out a shared
# impl. So we duplicate the code here a touch.
function Onions.peel(
) where {F, T<:$(esc(namify(T)))}
tag = getfield(x, :tag)
return $(ifelse(
[(:(tag === $(UInt8(i))), :(func(unsafe_getproperty(x, Val($(QuoteNode(f)))))))
for (i, f) in enumerate(namify.(fields))],
# It is _super_ perf-sensitive to outline the assertion-failure here.
# From 35μs to 5μs for peel benchmark. In any case, this is expected to
# be unreachable for a well-formed union instance.
:(tag_not_found(T, tag))
function Onions._ueq(a::T, b::T) where {T<:$(esc(namify(T)))}
getfield(a, :tag) == getfield(b, :tag) || return false
tag = getfield(a, :tag)
return $(ifelse(
[(:(tag === $(UInt8(i))), :(
f = Val($(QuoteNode(f)));
unsafe_getproperty(a, f) == unsafe_getproperty(b, f)
for (i, f) in enumerate(namify.(fields))],
# It is _super_ perf-sensitive to outline the assertion-failure here.
# From 35μs to 5μs for peel benchmark. In any case, this is expected to
# be unreachable for a well-formed union instance.
:(tag_not_found(T, tag))
function Base.getproperty(x::$(esc(T)), f::Symbol) where {$(esc.(params(T))...)}
# Comparing ints is cheaper than looking up the symbol for the tag
fieldidx(typeof(x), f) == getfield(x, :tag) ||
Onions.throw_not_set(typeof(x), f)
return unsafe_getproperty(x, Val(f))
Base.:(==)(a::$(esc(namify(T))), b::$(esc(namify(T)))) = ueq(a, b)
function Base.show_default(io::IO, x::$(esc(T))) where {$(esc.(params(T))...)}
show(io, typeof(x))
print(io, "($(field(x)) = ")
show(io, peel(x))
print(io, ")")
function aligned_type(align)
if align == 1
elseif align == 2
elseif align == 4
elseif align == 8
elseif align == 16
error("Unsupported alignment: $align")
peel(x) = peel(identity, x)
# User-overridable endpoint for implementing custom `==` for `@union` types.
ueq(a::T, b::T) where T = _ueq(a, b)
field(x) = fields(x)[getfield(x, :tag)]
function isfield(x, f)
@assert f in fields(x)
return field(x) === f
end # module Onions
using .Onions
using .Onions: peel, field, isfield
@union struct RelNumber
RelNumber(x::Int8) = RelNumber(i8=x)
RelNumber(x::Int16) = RelNumber(i16=x)
RelNumber(x::Int32) = RelNumber(i32=x)
RelNumber(x::Int64) = RelNumber(i64=x)
RelNumber(x::UInt8) = RelNumber(u8=x)
RelNumber(x::UInt16) = RelNumber(u16=x)
RelNumber(x::UInt32) = RelNumber(u32=x)
RelNumber(x::UInt64) = RelNumber(u64=x)
RelNumber(x::Float16) = RelNumber(f16=x)
RelNumber(x::Float32) = RelNumber(f32=x)
RelNumber(x::Float64) = RelNumber(f64=x)
Base.:(<)(a::RelNumber, b::RelNumber) = cmp(a, b) == -1
Base.isless(a::RelNumber, b::RelNumber) = <(a,b)
function Base.cmp(a::RelNumber, b::RelNumber)
return peel(b) do bv; cmp_inner(a, bv) ; end
@noinline cmp_inner(a::RelNumber, bv) = peel(a) do av; cmp(av, bv) ; end |
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Something isn't working
An issue or pull request relating to the TypedSyntax.jl subpackage
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: