From 54d858d19d36ff81558d8d677ecb4a1e49e780f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Danack Now, pick two RGB colors: sRGB(159,150,0) and sRGB(205,100,45): Next, select one sRGB color and convert it to HSV and offset its values low and high to generate the start and stop HSV colors. Use -colorspace HSV to convert the image to HSV. For our HSV example, we pick sRGB(183,132,20) and convert to HSV: Now, offset its HSV values as H=41+-20, S=89+-10, and V=72+-10, to create the start color (-) and stop color (+): Next, pick two RGB colors. Use -colorspace HSV to convert the image to HSV, and apply the RGB start and stop colors. Choose sRGB(158,77,33) and sRGB(213,217,2): Here is the expected results: Here is the results of the color thresholding operation:magick monet.jpg -color-threshold 'sRGB(159,150,0)-sRGB(205,100,45)' monet.gif
magick monet.jpg -colorspace HSV -color-threshold 'hsv(21,79%,62%)-hsv(61,99%,85%)' monet.gif
magick monet.jpg -colorspace HSV -color-threshold "sRGB(158,77,33)-sRGB(213,217,2)" monet.gif
@@ -65,6 +65,6 @@
magick monet.jpg -colorspace gray -color-threshold 'gray(46.4152%)-gray(55.3278%)' monet.gif
diff --git a/include/command-line-options.php b/include/command-line-options.php
index 692257cb..7947fe26 100644
--- a/include/command-line-options.php
+++ b/include/command-line-options.php
@@ -3031,11 +3031,11 @@ function (its frequency), and thus determines the number of 'waves' that will
"Courier" might be used if "System" is requested but not found). Note, the family can be a CSS-style font list.
For other settings that affect fonts, see the options --font, --pointsize, --stretch, --style, -and -weight.
+-font, +-pointsize, +-stretch, +-style, +and -weight.