All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
5.3.0 (2019-01-16)
- vscode: switch to ts-tslint-plugin in favour of tslint (4a3e3cb)
5.2.0 (2019-01-14)
- npm-scripts: run build script only in postrelease (fbb8555)
- scripts: include rc files in migrate scripts (2fef01b)
5.1.0 (2019-01-11)
- config: copy global.d.ts on migrate (555ef6a)
- scripts: make migrate scripts work (79ba6f3)
- scripts: remove postinstall npm script on migrate (f9c73fa)
- scripts: handle init termination (#155) (614d7a8), closes #153
- constraint npm,yarn version (358011e)
- scripts: implement build script (1791426)
- scripts: implement file-size script (#162) (6a8b68e)
5.0.0 (2018-12-12)
- scripts: don't handle exclude within migrate (30fa98f)
- scripts: remove ats-loader and sort-pkg-json (2e16c3f)
- scripts: remove validade-commit-msg from pkg (a8c0da0)
- scripts: implement init script (#143) (53be637), closes #142 #145 #130
- tsc: exclude tests as ts-jest compiles them now (2a543fb)
- tslint: add new rules from tslint-etc (b956c23)
- tsc: remove exclude as it breaks lint-staged (c2d0a52)
- scripts: Now TS >= 3 is used which may break some packages that desperately need to support lower versions
4.1.0 (2018-10-15)
- config: replace validate-commit-msg with commitlint (4bb58bc)
- lint: remove prefer-method-signature as methods don't have proper contravariant checks (77de4dd)
- scripts: update migrate script to match latest stack (ec93c6a)
- tslint: revamp tslint rules (e16ce5b)
4.0.0 (2018-08-14)
- npm-scripts: copy updated files after build>standard-version during release (7146b15)
- ts: remove test files from exclude field (da65fa0)
- build: add rollup (0674dea)
- build: ditch webpack and use rollup for bundling (0326a0e)
- scripts: provide migration script from v3 to v4 (c6c5b75)
- build: Webpack is not used anymore for bundling. Long live Rollup !
3.0.0 (2018-07-23)
- build: don't compile test files (221c277)
- build: remove ts from peer dependencies (3ef99d4)
- config: improve externals config type (dd4026e)
- add default License as MIT (5711237)
- build: build package files to dist/ (#70) (cc5cb78)
- test: add setup-tests file for jest (6c4a822)
- build: Before:
when releasing a package all distribution files were produced on root of the project which clobers working tree and makes you constatnly update gitignore and npmignore and cleanup npm script if you wanna change anything. That was rather cumbersome.
After: Now package files are created and moved to dist/ folder with tweaked package.json which removes all unnecessary metadata information and keeps only what is important for cunsumer ( author infor, git repo, dependencies and peerDependencies ).
During release npm script will 'cd dist' and from there it executes npm publish.
2.0.0 (2018-07-16)
- revamp whole starter and make it up to date (#46) (2b8e74f)
- test: add jest-typeahead (6659ff6)
- tsc: enable esnext modules for import() support (d0261c4)
- vscode: add vscode settings nad recommendet plugins (0f5fc80)
- Before all tooling config used to be in root, now it's within config/ folder which is typecheked and provides intellisense -> better DX. With this all npm-script tasks are provided with --config flag to resolve it properly.
1.7.0 (2017-06-17)
- build: correctly setup uglify options (6c0f4b2)
- npm-scripts: use proper npm variable for targeting main path in 'size' command (7fc44b1)
- ts-lint: add tslint-config-prettier so tslint doesn't clash with prettier (10a8524)
- build: add environment aware builds with env helpers (cd87599)
- build: update to webpack 3 with scope hoisting + enable experimental flat esm bundle (#3) (baa63ba), closes #2
- npm-scripts: run only tests for affected files in prepush and exit immediately if some tests f (d4316b4)
- ts-lint: provide nice error output (c66b4f7)
1.6.0 (2017-06-04)
- npm-scripts: typo in pre release script name (8f5fae4)
- build: use 3 new standard formats for shipping libraries (fdd413e)
1.5.0 (2017-06-04)
- build: allow first-release command (10294c5)
- always set strict versions via npm or yarn (eee2150)
- remove dot files from gitignore (e292c53)
- npm-scripts: rename commit to cz so husky wont run precommit twice (248a570)
- migrate to prettier and bump deps (999043e)
1.4.0 (2017-03-27)
- add *.log to gitignore/npmignore (502ab00)
- make tests work on windows (5650754)
- normalize umd bundle name after scope addition (73ab65f)
1.3.0 (2017-03-15)
- scripts: add ability to use --first-release on release script (c94694a)
- scripts: add size script to get gzipped build size for umd bundle (d25138a)
- add unit testing and coverage support via jest (0551a52)
1.2.0 (2017-02-27)
- scripts: add preflight check what files will be published (71a615b)
- webpack: determine the name library name for umd build from package json (8d970bd)
1.1.1 (2017-02-27)
- add back npm publish to release script (378d582)
1.1.0 (2017-02-27)
- lint: add ordered-imports rule (d6d0eff)
1.0.1 (2017-02-27)
- build: fix release script task (49ca3ba)