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File metadata and controls

101 lines (76 loc) · 5.33 KB

Airflow DAG AI Documenter


Use Google's generative models to analyze Airflow DAGs and supplement them with generated metadata values.

Airflow supports DAG documentation via the doc_md DAG attribute. DAG documentation only support markdown so far. The formatted markdown will display in the Airflow Web UI under DAG Docs to allow for any developer or use to quickly understand what the DAG is meant to do. takes input directory and calls a python script to write new DAG files with description, tags, and doc_md values into the output directory. Also runs black to automatically format output.

Note: will not overwrite any existing description, tags, and doc_md values.


./ --src /path/to/your/dag/folder/ --tgt /path/to/your/target/output/folder


Original Airflow DAG (missing description, tags, doc_md)

with models.DAG(
    schedule="0 0 * * *",

    def push_value_to_xcom(**kwargs):
        task_instance = kwargs["ti"]
        value_to_push = "Hello, World!"
        task_instance.xcom_push(key="my_variable", value=value_to_push)

    def pull_value_from_xcom(**kwargs):
        task_instance = kwargs["ti"]
        value_pulled = task_instance.xcom_pull(key="my_variable")
        print(f"Pulled value: {value_pulled}")

    push_task = PythonOperator(
        task_id="push_value", python_callable=push_value_to_xcom, provide_context=True
    pull_task = PythonOperator(
        task_id="pull_value", python_callable=pull_value_from_xcom, provide_context=True
    push_task >> pull_task

New Airflow DAG with Metadata (description, tags, doc_md)

with models.DAG(
    schedule="0 0 * * *",
    description="A simple DAG that demonstrates the use of XCom to push and pull data between tasks.",
    tags=["Data Engineering", "Apache Airflow", "XCom"],
    doc_md='\n## Airflow DAG for Basic XCom Usage\n\n### Overview\n\nThis Airflow DAG demonstrates the basic usage of XCom, a mechanism for sharing data between tasks in an Airflow DAG. It includes two tasks:\n\n1. **Push XCom Task**: Pushes a value to an XCom variable with the key "my_variable".\n2. **Pull XCom Task**: Pulls the value from the XCom variable "my_variable" and prints it.\n\n### DAG Structure\n\n```\npush_task >> pull_task\n```\n\n### Task Descriptions\n\n#### Push XCom Task\n\n* Task ID: `push_value`\n* Description: Pushes the value "Hello, World!" to an XCom variable with the key "my_variable".\n* Python Callable: `push_value_to_xcom`\n* Provide Context: `True`\n\n#### Pull XCom Task\n\n* Task ID: `pull_value`\n* Description: Pulls the value from the XCom variable "my_variable" and prints it.\n* Python Callable: `pull_value_from_xcom`\n* Provide Context: `True`\n\n### DAG Configuration\n\nThe DAG has the following configuration:\n\n- `dag_id`: `basic_xcom_dag_v0_0_0`\n- `schedule`: "0 0 * * *" (daily at 00:00 UTC)\n- `default_args`:\n    - `owner`: Google\n    - `depends_on_past`: False\n    - `email`: [""] (no emails sent)\n    - `email_on_failure`: False\n    - `email_on_retry`: False\n    - `retries`: 1\n    - `retry_delay`: 2 minutes\n    - `start_date`: 2023-08-01 (August 1, 2023)\n    - `sla`: 25 minutes\n- `user_defined_macros`: \n- `is_paused_upon_creation`: True\n- `catchup`: False\n- `max_active_runs`: 2\n- `dagrun_timeout`: 30 minutes\n\n### Execution\n\nWhen the DAG is triggered, the following sequence of events occurs:\n\n1. The `push_value` task runs and pushes "Hello, World!" to the XCom variable "my_variable".\n2. The `pull_value` task runs and pulls the value from the XCom variable "my_variable".\n3. The value is printed, confirming that it was successfully pushed and pulled.\n\n---\n\n*Generated by* \n\n<img src="" alt="Google Gemini" width="85"/>\n    ',

    def push_value_to_xcom(**kwargs):
        task_instance = kwargs["ti"]
        value_to_push = "Hello, World!"
        task_instance.xcom_push(key="my_variable", value=value_to_push)

    def pull_value_from_xcom(**kwargs):
        task_instance = kwargs["ti"]
        value_pulled = task_instance.xcom_pull(key="my_variable")
        print(f"Pulled value: {value_pulled}")

    push_task = PythonOperator(
        task_id="push_value", python_callable=push_value_to_xcom, provide_context=True
    pull_task = PythonOperator(
        task_id="pull_value", python_callable=pull_value_from_xcom, provide_context=True
    push_task >> pull_task

Airflow Web UI with DAG description

sample description image

Airflow Web UI with DAG tags

sample tag image

Airflow Web UI with DAG Docs

sample docs image