For now, if nobody opts in to maintain this chart, i will not update it since i moved on to home-assistant. The chart should work (as of now) and you can update the image version via the values.yaml without being in need of a chart release.
If you are willing to maintain this chart, write me and create a PR removing this section.
ioBroker in kubernetes - that is what we go for here.
The helm chart is based on the official ioBroker docker image by buanet
This chart is based on TrueCharts
You can enable creating the ingress, just see values.yaml - disabled by default. See more under ingress.
See values.yaml under persistence
. The default is that a PVC is created. More under persistence
You could add custom volume mounts, use NFS mounts, empty dir or whatever you like.
For now, there are not "quick settings", so all you need to do is set env
section with what you need, a
see the reference for possible env vars
DEBUG: true
PACKAGES: "nfs-common tcpdump"
If you want to attach a specific VLAN and have autodiscovery / multicast / unicast support, please see
helm dependency build
Well most of the work has been done on the containerization side by buanet - so give him a heads up on the project Also credits to the TrueCharts Team for the helm chart library making this one so much easier to implement.