--- develop ---
- issue#216: Reports dont trigger when flowview is in a separate database
- issue#217: Update flow-capture script for Debian/Ubuntu
- issue#218: Changes in one or more IRR Database Causing Errors in FlowView
- issue#220: Cant dowload the external DB
- issue#223: Version requested for ORDER BY NATURAL_SORT_KEY(key)
- issue: Unable to install when there is no config.php or config_local.php
- feature: Support for Cacti 1.3
--- 4.8 ---
- issue#66: Cacti flowview collector errors
- issue#71: Flowview no data were displayed
- issue#73: Timespan never saved when editing a filter
- issue#75: Cacti PHP Errors when select report filter Source AS
- issue#80: Error messages when generating a report with the flowview plugin
- issue#83: Cacti 1.2.23 and Flowview dev 3.3
- issue#84: Support more than one router per FlowView listener
- issue#85: Report Filter Listener Print All Rows Not Working
- issue#88: Create new Custom Flow Viewer Report
- issue#95: Multiple Deprecation errors associated with PHP8.x
- issue#100: Change the name of config.php to something like config.php.template
- issue#106: Properly detect the Cacti base on Ubuntu and Debian
- issue#118: Protocol filter not working
- issue#121: When you return to the FlowView tab, your navigation will be broken till the first click
- issue#132: The CIDR syntax filtering does not return correct results
- issue#139: Remove the source port from the ex_addr as it breaks multiple things
- issue#141: Using specific DNS servers results in unpack errors.
- issue: Flowview DNS Setting removed by accident
- issue: When changing the partition type, it does not take from the GUI right away
- issue: Sort field was being lost between selections
- issue: Dont fail to find flowview_connect() if the plugin is disabled
- issue: Make Domains only Domains/Hostnames only to remove confusion
- issue: Rework the SystemD startup process to use Cacti registration and unregistration functions
- issue: Allowed incoming address range was not working
- feature: Make it optional to query Arin to track Big Tech
- feature: Allow FlowView to remember your last filter when re-entering the FlowView page
- feature: Allow selection of the listener on the FlowView filter
- feature: Redesign flow_collectors.php for formalize support for IPFIX in FlowView
- feature: Store peers that connect to listeners for review and tagging
- feature: Inform the user of how many listener streams are present and their status
- feature: Track detected template definitions in the database and provide a way to view them
- feature: Add color to Bar Charts
- feature: Disable Charts when viewing printed reports
- feature: Show visual indicator that the filter has been saved
- feature: Add SIGHUP signal handling to flow-capture and flow_collector.php
- feature: Add support for Net/DNS2 to improve alternate DNS resolution support
- feature: Allow DNS Cache to be purged with a single button press.
- feature: Append local domain to locally resolved addresses from the system DNS
- feature: Show supported or not supported status when viewing Flow Templates
- feature: Import all Internet Route Registry databases when they change
- feature: Support Notification Lists for Email
- feature: Support a Report Generation Timeout
- feature: Support running Email Reports in Parallel
- feature#9: Support Pie Charts Instead of Bar
- feature#97: Add FreeBSD service control
- feature#111: Add a Template Export Button to make sharing Template information with the Cacti Group Easy
- feature#112: Provide a means to view the DNS Cache and Prune/Edit Entries
- feature#113: Provide buttons 'New', 'Rename', 'Delete' from the FlowView Tab
- feature#114: Provide an External Address dropdown in the Filter Definition
- feature#116: Have flow-capture automatically restart collectors that have crashed
- feature#117: Allow guest account access
- feature#120: Save Charting Options when you Save a Filter
- feature#122: Charts should have a Graph Title that Matches the Report Type
- feature#123: Support Setting the Default Chart Height
- feature#124: Support Treemap Charts instead of Bar
- feature#125: Perform Schema Upgrades in the Background
- feature#126: Cache ARIN Responses for reference
- feature#127: Show stream FlowView versions being ingested
- feature#128: Flowview attempts to import all streams even those that are reporting other information that is not supported by flowview
- feature#143: Support tcp listener
- feature#144: Allow mapping of a local subnet to a named private domain for home users
- feature#145: Add the V9/IPFIX Template IDs to the flowview raw tables
- feature#146: Use prepared statements for Flowview Filters to protect against SQL injections
- feature#149: Expose the ex_addr as a filter option and resolve it through DNS
- feature#150: Introduce Parallel Query - Map Reduce to FlowView
- feature#154: Support Parallel Queries through a MariaDB or MySQL proxy such as MaxScale
- feature#155: Allow Choosing your Raw Storage Engine Format
- feature#156: Create Persistent Shard Result Cache
- feature#160: Use whois providers such as radb.net to find origin AS when Arin does not provide it
- feature#163: Restructure the DNS Cache page to include: ASNs, People, Routes, etc. per the Internet Routing Registry format RSP
- feature#164: Only update the Routes databases if they have changed as recommened at radb.net
- feature#179: Provide Link in Cactis Graph View to Flowview
- feature#180: Allow Report Raw Data to be Downloaded
- feature#181: Allow Raw Report Data to be Exported from FlowView Page
- feature#191: Make it possible to disable a Listener Service
- feature#192: Allow an Administrator to observe the backlog on their Flowview Ports to know of overload
--- 3.3 ---
- issue#61: IPFIX Errors in Cacti Log
- issue#62: Problem with ` symbol in SQL queries
- issue: Upgrade was running repeatedly due upgrade using legacy variable
- feature: Update FlowView to use Bulletin Board Charts
- feature: Minimum Cacti requirement 1.2.17 for Bulletin Board
--- 3.2 ---
- issue: Flowview raw table has invalid unique key that blocks the insert of data
--- 3.1 ---
- issue#58: Flowview cannot enable in Cacti
- issue#59: Flowview Data wont display in CACTI
- issue: Results Cache not working
- feature: Support Cacti Format Files in FlowView
--- 3.0 ---
- issue#31: In systemctl status : CMDPHP: ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error: Unknown column 'INF' in 'field list'
- issue#32: Netflow v9 - Netflow source not providing either prefix or nexthop information
- issue#33: cannot view flows
- issue#34: recurring updates for plugin_flowview_ports
- issue#35: Error when flowview raw tables do not exist
- issue#36: function flowview_get_owner_from_arin should be split for ipv4/ipv6
- issue#39: Using v9 Netflow source, flowview reports errors
- issue#40: Creating Flowview filters fails
- issue#41: Enhancement - Unnecessary Dialog Box: "Opeartion Successful - Select a filter to display data."
- issue#42: Firewall opened, Listener reports Down, tcpdump showing data, Systemd service running
- issue#43: NaN and Division by Zero errors
- issue#44: Error after install 'flowview': sizeof()
- issue#45: FlowView tab missing
- issue#46: Schedules dont work
- issue#47: flowData not showing data
- issue#48: Missing Code in ip_filter function
- issue#49: Flowview IPFIX throwing errors
- issue#50: Flowview errors cause it to become automatically disabled
- issue#51: FlowView Throws Errors When No Filters Exist
- issue#52: init.d script kills poller
- issue#53: Division by zero errors viewing tables
- issue#55: Netflow V9 Errors on CACTI
- issue#56: Sort Fields for Filters Not Saved Correctly
- issue: Partition tables were not being pruned.
- issue: Make the flow_collector.php resilient to loss of the database server.
- feature: New database design. Support for v5, v9, IPFIX flows transparently
- feature: Remove Open Flash Charts and use C3 Charts instead
- feature: Reworked user interface
- feature: Units files for systemd systems for flow-capture service
- feature: Remove use of Flow Tools
- feature: Support IPv4 and IPv6
- feature: Support daily and hourly partitioning
- feature: Run Schedules in Background
- feature: Allow Saving of some Filter Information from Flowview
--- 2.1 ---
- issue: Prepare for sunrise theme in 1.1.17
- issue: Clean up the filter logic to preserve values
- issue: Make the graph size auto-detect screen size
- issue: Make reports sort properly
--- 2.0 ---
- feature: Support for Cacti 1.0
- feature: Support for Ugroup Plugin
- feature: Use either the OS' DNS or Alternate
- feature: Add strip domain capabilities
- issue#5: division by zero in flowview_devices.php
- issue#7: init script not functional
- issue#11: Increase memory limit for flowview_process.php
- issue: Not supporting Protocols correctly and Prefix/Suffix
- issue: Some W3C Validation Changes
- issue: Table plugin_flowview_devices wrong engine
- issue: Correcting issues with the flow-capture script
- issue: Update text domains for i18n
--- 1.1 ---
- issue: FlowView Settings were hidden for some reason
- issue: flow-capture script incomplete
--- 1.0 ---
- compat: Making compatible with 0.8.7g
- feature: Allow sending emails on demand
- feature: Add SaveAs, Delete, Update to UI
- feature: Add a Veiwer Only Permission Level
- feature: Add a Title for Scheduled Reports
- feature; Re-tool many reports into pure HTML
- feature: Add Graphs for Flows, Bytes, and Packets
- feature: Support sortable tables
- feature: Support excluding outliers from report
- issue: Rename 'View' tab to 'Filter'
- issue: Rename 'Devices' to 'Listeners'
--- 0.6 ---
- compat: Now only PA 2.0 compatible
- issue: Fix for IE and saving Queries
- issue: Fix for Error when no devices
--- 0.5 ---
- feature: Add flow-tools replacement startup script to allow launching of multiple processes based upon devices added
- feature: Add Saved Queries
- feature: Change Sort field to be drop downs with column names
- feature: Add ability to schedule and email out Netflow Scans
- issue: Fix issue with start and stop times close to midnight not loading the proper days data
--- 0.4 ---
- issue: Minor fix for when using flow path "/"
- issue: Fix Cacti 0.8.7 Compatibility
--- 0.3 ---
- feature: Add time support for relative times (NOW, -1 HOUR, -2 DAYS, -10 MINTUES) Must leave Date blank for these to work properly
- feature: Add device name to path if present
--- 0.2 ---
- feature: Add DNS Support
--- 0.1 ---
- Initial release
Copyright (c) 2004-2024 - The Cacti Group, Inc.