- About
background-color:: purple
- [[statistical technique]] used in [[market research]]
- to determine how people value different attributes
- feature
- function
- benefits
- Regarded as one of the most effective ways to analyze consumer decision-making.
- Philosophy
- based on the concept that
- a product or service is not one sole entity
- but a combination of several aspects or 'parts.'
- based on the concept that
- Purpose/Usefulness
background-color:: purple
- Main goal - quantify the perceived value or importance of each attribute
- Results used to
- design new offerings
- re-position existing ones
- How?
background-color:: purple
- General
background-color:: blue
- Presenting respondents with a series of options
- where attributes are combined differently
- Related
collapsed:: true
- ((65b697d0-7861-4d6f-a5ea-6f70b8848597))
- Then asking them to state their preference or choice
- Each attribute is varied systematically
- across different options
- known as profiles
- across different options
- Compute utility scores based on responses
- for each level of each attribute
- Utility scores tell us how desirable each attribute level is to the participants
- Presenting respondents with a series of options
- Methodologies
background-color:: blue
- TODO Traditional (Full-Profile) Conjoint Analysis
- TODO Adaptive Conjoint Analysis
- TODO Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis
- General
background-color:: blue
- Tips
background-color:: purple
- Selection of attributes and levels is crucial
id:: 65b697d0-7861-4d6f-a5ea-6f70b8848597
- they greatly influence the results
- important to include only key attributes
- Selection of attributes and levels is crucial
id:: 65b697d0-7861-4d6f-a5ea-6f70b8848597