- Meta
background-color:: blue
collapsed:: true
- [[Contents]]
- WIP2
- Surveys Sheet
- [Mac Folder](/Users/twenythree/Library/CloudStorage/[email protected]/My Drive/CBS/Thesis)
- LEFT OFF #2024-04-11
- ((660ae28c-e26a-4e02-a721-1c20ad247993))
id:: 660ae81b-3f51-41ac-aed0-4653d566c346
- Left off: Page 8
- ((65f354a5-9909-4d53-b940-a214a0ae479c))
- ((660ae28c-e26a-4e02-a721-1c20ad247993))
id:: 660ae81b-3f51-41ac-aed0-4653d566c346
- WIP Google Doc OLD.
- Tags
- #personas
- [[4Airidas]]
- Other Links background-color:: purple collapsed:: true
- For Elias (last updated: [[2024-03-14]])
background-color:: blue
collapsed:: true
- {{embed ((662cca5d-9eff-4f0c-bb8d-bd9f649978db))}}
- Generally - my collected assets
collapsed:: true
- {{embed ((65ecc30b-520a-4735-9af1-f85986f164b8))}}
- Code
background-color:: purple
collapsed:: true
- NOTE: Rosebud data
- NOTE: reddit scraping
- v2 simulation changes
- v2
- Local & Cloud
- reversed
- retrieval
- dynamic
- static
- lower context (lower chunks in ctx)
- Local & Cloud
- v3
- [[Chain of thought]]
- rosebud data
- temperature
- v2
background-color:: purple
collapsed:: true
- .
- Selections
background-color:: blue
id:: 65a83ceb-a2e2-48ae-aacd-3634889b159f
collapsed:: true
- About our Topic
collapsed:: true
- Aim to understand [[consumer preferences]].
- As a tool for [[market research]]
- Existing tools for market research
id:: 65b0154b-de6a-4c32-92ce-47984c12c819
- surveys
- conjoint studies
- focus groups
- proprietary data sets
- Existing tools for market research
id:: 65b0154b-de6a-4c32-92ce-47984c12c819
- LLMs adopting personas to do market research
- AI-Based Foundation Models as Alternates to Human Data Sources
- RQ
collapsed:: true
- How LLM's can be used to do market research?
- Reprensentable digital personas
- To what extent can LLM driven digital personas replace real people in market research?
- To demonstrate the extent LLM driven digital personas can match real people in market research.
- POPULAR USE CASES of [[conjoint analysis]] (src: foooter)
id:: 65b69b6e-1907-40b4-92b8-422015faac08
collapsed:: true
- 🔸 Market Research
- 🔸 Text Analysis
- Voice of Customer
- Conjoint Analysis
- Employee Tech Experience
- Product Naming
- Well-being at Work
- Customer Experience
- Management
- Employee Experience Management
- Exit Interviews
- Brand Tracking
- Pricing Research
- NPS Software
- Customer Surveys
- Unclear
background-color:: purple
collapsed:: true
- Sample sizes
collapsed:: true
- {{embed ((65ecd8ff-014b-4cf1-91a3-91af84fd84d9))}}
- From ((65ecc4f4-b5af-4f3b-b286-3b8787ec422e))
collapsed:: true
Each experimentally created subject was presented with each of the five scenarios: Neutral plus each of the four options offered as the status quo. Each call is a separate API call, with no “knowledge” of the other scenarios passed between calls. Because the agents are not interacting in any way, the experiment can proceed in parallel. Each of the 100 agents is presented in the five scenarios, creating 500 observations. Figure 4 shows the distribution of responses by framing.
- [[Synthetic Data]]
- Sample sizes
collapsed:: true
- ◾ MR Methodology
id:: 65c3f123-26dd-4fb9-899f-839c9376ce1a
collapsed:: true
- Quantitative
background-color:: green
collapsed:: true
- ✔ [[Kano Model Mapping]]
- Observational Studies
- Surveys
collapsed:: true
- Todo
- ((65f1b7b9-a6f8-429b-87c9-fad9956047f6))
- ((65f1b8c6-3cf3-4141-91de-3a7cdbdc27c5))
- {{embed ((65f1b8ff-f61b-49ff-86db-9177550b042b))}}
- Todo
- Personality Test collapsed:: true
- Political Compass
- Rejected
- A/B Testing
- Can be biast towards the real thing
- A/B Testing
- MaxDiff Analysis (Maximum Difference Scaling) id:: 65ea16cc-9983-47e6-acf8-0f71129e18c0
- Qualitative
background-color:: green
collapsed:: true
- DOING [[Focus Groups]]
- LATER Delphi Method
- Rejected
collapsed:: true
- Interviews
- Unknown / Ideas
background-color:: green
collapsed:: true
- Random
background-color:: green
collapsed:: true
- https://conjointly.com/how-it-works/#step-4
- Consumer panel
- TODO What is?
- Product Concept Test
- Feature Preference Survey
- Conjoint Analysis
- ((65ea16cc-9983-47e6-acf8-0f71129e18c0))
- TODO Monadic Testing
collapsed:: true
- Sequential Monadic Testing
- Protomonadic Testing
- TODO [[conjoint analysis]]
- Testing [[MOM]] questions
- Rejected
collapsed:: true
- Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD)
- Voice of the Customer (VOC)
- Ethnographic Research
- Random
background-color:: green
collapsed:: true
- Quantitative
background-color:: green
collapsed:: true
- ◾ LLMs Technicalities
id:: 65ecd094-15df-41d3-b997-633ce3904ff2
collapsed:: true
- ◾ Temperature
id:: 6605ce4b-b28b-4001-a679-47c6565dccac
- From paper
collapsed:: true
The responses can be stochastic, depending on the “temperature” given to the model as a parameter. And, of course, different models can lead to different responses. Unlike the one homo economicus that is rational, there are many homo silci.
- From ((65ecc4f4-b5af-4f3b-b286-3b8787ec422e)) id:: 65ecd0b0-d7b9-4a77-b4e9-6dd8fb247aae
- From paper
collapsed:: true
- ◾ Models
- ◾ Temperature
id:: 6605ce4b-b28b-4001-a679-47c6565dccac
- ◾ Personas
id:: 65eccdd0-c8f6-4f02-9e1f-1f83b760a048
collapsed:: true
- ◾ Persona Encoding
id:: 66000105-916b-4588-b401-72b81acdd3e3
- [[Big Five Personality Factors]] collapsed:: true
- [[Sixteen Personality Factors (16PF)]]
- ◾ Internal Consistency
id:: 6601d330-7936-4411-a312-35e608c0beb1
collapsed:: true
- [[Internal Consistency]]
- {{query [[personas]]}} collapsed:: true
- Random
collapsed:: true
- Alias
- Characteristic Endowment
- there is not a single LLM but rather a model capable of being conditioned to take on different personas that respond realistically
With a particular LLM, there is a single model, so it would seem that N = 1 no matter what. However, it has no fixed persona—it can be induced to play different agents via prompts.
- From ((65ecd0b0-d7b9-4a77-b4e9-6dd8fb247aae)) id:: 65eccfc2-798f-472f-9a40-44a9bb08be59
- Alias
- ◾ Persona Encoding
id:: 66000105-916b-4588-b401-72b81acdd3e3
- ◾ MR / Survey Prompt Engineering id:: 65ff2f20-285f-4826-97e1-12a518530483
- ◾ Disscussion
id:: 65eccb27-ed38-419c-b16c-b896c8cde3d1
collapsed:: true
- Weaknesses of LLMs
collapsed:: true
- “Stated versus revealed” preference critique,
collapsed:: true
- more
- ((65ecc4f4-b5af-4f3b-b286-3b8787ec422e))
- ((65eccb87-3511-43d9-8ccc-4a5af9217bba))
- more
- Just a simulation
collapsed:: true
- more
- 🔸 Large Language Models as Simulated Economic Agents: What Can We Learn from Homo Silicus? (Horton, 2023)
- more
- Other
- ((65eccb0a-1363-4672-8032-5e8612220531))
- more
- ((65ecd0b0-d7b9-4a77-b4e9-6dd8fb247aae))
- more
- ((65eccb0a-1363-4672-8032-5e8612220531))
- “Stated versus revealed” preference critique,
collapsed:: true
- Framing
- {{query [[framing]]}} collapsed:: true
- Sometimes has a very minor to no effect
- ((65ecd24e-8bf5-4cd0-bb1f-3a8807243350))
- Stenghts
- Clean within-subject experiment
id:: 65ecd8ff-014b-4cf1-91a3-91af84fd84d9
collapsed:: true
- collapsed:: true
Compared to the original experiment, one benefit to the AI setting is that I can do a clean within-subject experiment because the AI does not “remember” having seen the previous prompt. In contrast, in a real experiment, a subject presented with the same scenario multiple times might get wise to the nature of the manipulation and alter results to make themselves more consistent.
- From ((65ecc4f4-b5af-4f3b-b286-3b8787ec422e))
- collapsed:: true
- Clean within-subject experiment
id:: 65ecd8ff-014b-4cf1-91a3-91af84fd84d9
collapsed:: true
- Weaknesses of LLMs
collapsed:: true
- ◾ Data
id:: 66000105-1fd1-456f-8ad4-12164a7e6b2c
collapsed:: true
- ◾ Benchmarking id:: 65ff2655-e2ac-4286-8215-d431240c1e7f
- Way: Real focus groups
collapsed:: true
- Find focus group facilitator?
- Find company willing to partner up – who has data on particular customers
- Way: Big data
collapsed:: true
- Ideal: >1000 IRL people with characteristics and answers (benchmark model against those)
- Characteristics --> Answers of IRL people
- Comments from e.g., product hunt
- 🔸 Comments on Youtube videos and Youtube video transcript
id:: 65b6a0bf-1206-4ef6-8b01-c4326d0c2249
- We can choose a video category
- Way: Existing detailed market research data #new #discuss
collapsed:: true
- [[conjoint analysis]]
- Ideas - Perhaps reach out to
- Public datasets
- Sources
- TODO UCI Machine Learning Repository
- TODO Kaggle
- TODO Google Dataset Search
- Query for ' [[conjoint analysis]] '
- TODO go through
- tabs
collapsed:: true
https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sachinsin8h/pizza-attributes-dataset-for-conjoint-analysis https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/6BSJYP https://scielo.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Using_conjoint_analysis_to_understand_customer_preferences_in_customized_low-income_housebuilding_projects/11350256 https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/valuing-official-statistics-with-conjoint-analysis-april-2021 https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=hdl:1902.1/22603 https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/dhruviskalpen/conjoint/code https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/CHOICE_OF_SALES_CHANNELS_IN_ELECTRONIC_COMMERCE/14286708/1 https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/8665r7htp4/2 https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/8wj5fsn3kt/1 https://zenodo.org/records/3560886 https://b2find.dkrz.de/dataset/440e7f06-aec2-5e58-ac60-d2f8a0be4f1c https://b2find.dkrz.de/dataset/21e968c3-a5d2-52d5-a459-ec0a034b78ed https://zenodo.org/records/8227363 http://datadiscoverystudio.org/geoportal/rest/metadata/item/39d4d1a5e06941a89aa403d6e92cd53f/html https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml;jsessionid=22802515462841db26797b16b24f?persistentId=doi%3A10.7910%2FDVN%2F4WDVDB&version=&q=&fileTypeGroupFacet=&fileAccess= https://researchdata.edu.au/online-survey-2017-tourism-research/1440092 https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/03B2HW https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/96t8bknjc8/1 https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/zv6mf5w5m4/2 https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Method_to_capture_and_prioritize_future_users_requirements_of_low-income_housing/20027393
- tabs
collapsed:: true
- TODO go through
- Query for ' [[conjoint analysis]] '
- query: "Replication Data for"
- List
- Pizza Attributes Dataset for Conjoint Analysis #discuss #kaggle id:: 65b69de8-338e-4a55-9c22-f497d24af9fb
- Sources
- [[conjoint analysis]]
- Way: Manual Assesment
collapsed:: true
- Manual assessment of output based on our intuition
- Or from professional marketing professionals
- ideas
collapsed:: true
- https://www.failory.com/failures
- Any org. already know characteristics of their users/consumers
- Alt.: Scrape SoMe and deduct characteristics based on user history. Answer (target-value)
- Assets/Resources
- Ideas
- Replicating an extending ((66157a3e-4f6c-4490-bb7f-a4a51c3959b0))
- Add Big5 persona encoding
- Replicating and extending ((65af92bb-da88-45b8-90af-ca5770651146))
- Replicating an extending ((66157a3e-4f6c-4490-bb7f-a4a51c3959b0))
- About our Topic
collapsed:: true
- Writing
collapsed:: true
- [[Methodology]]
- TODO Define concepts
collapsed:: true
- {{embed ((662cc29e-a128-4062-b683-e981e2b24d3a))}}
- TODO Define concepts
collapsed:: true
- [[Literature Review]]
- Frontiers of our Research
id:: 6605ce4b-c3f7-49be-97a2-8bf1b720b1a6
- LLMs Selection
- Persona Encoding
- Market Research Prompting
- Evaluation
- Random
collapsed:: true
- Go through lit and see how they encode the personas
- Make a lit review
collapsed:: true
- Find and list existing papers
- Make a draft'
- List of papers
- And bullet points.
- See what can you replicate, simple, and then later we will build upon them.
- We did this, we replicated these results, and tried to do this variation, cause we are marketing/business/prototype people
- Observed patterns
collapsed:: true
- Internal consistency is common theme
- refs
- {{embed ((660adaa7-49e2-44ab-b254-2dcecf94446a))}}
- refs
- Internal consistency is common theme
- Relevant Assets
- Thesis: Academic Papers
- {{embed [[Thesis: Academic Papers]]}}
- Thesis: Academic Papers
- ❓ Including business applications
collapsed:: true
- {{embed ((6605ce4a-3d3c-4496-9c50-003ccfa7e4c1))}}
- Learnings
collapsed:: true
- Weaknesses / Strenghts of Topic
collapsed:: true
- ((65ecc4f4-b5af-4f3b-b286-3b8787ec422e)) id:: 65ecce84-9d1d-4e95-9f58-c73eed441ce9
- Input for Encodings
collapsed:: true
- We should avoid a textbook framing of questions.
- From ((65ecce84-9d1d-4e95-9f58-c73eed441ce9))
- 2.3 The “performativity” problem
- From ((65ecce84-9d1d-4e95-9f58-c73eed441ce9))
- We should avoid a textbook framing of questions.
- Weaknesses / Strenghts of Topic
collapsed:: true
- About
background-color:: blue
- [doing-a-literature-review.pdf](G:/My Drive/CBS/Thesis/doing-a-literature-review.pdf) #[[literature review]]
id:: 662cca5d-9eff-4f0c-bb8d-bd9f649978db
- How-to #TLDR
background-color:: yellow
- 🔹 Four tasks or sets of questions
id:: 662ce1b3-6b6c-4bfd-9bde-606de410e3e2
- STEP 1 - What were the work trying to do?
background-color:: green
id:: 662ce1b7-851b-445d-bbfc-1fa434eefa19
collapsed:: true
- For each reviewed item
- What it was trying to do?
- was the dependent variable for the study?
- how was it conceptualized and operationalized?
- What it was trying to do?
- For each reviewed item
- STEP 2 - Main argument of each work
background-color:: green
id:: 662ce3ed-89c5-4e9c-8e2c-b780c2b48b67
collapsed:: true
- For each reviewed item
- Was there a thesis?
- What is the argument?
- How strong is it?
- What qualifications or reservations does the author report?
- For each reviewed item
- STEP 3 - Summarizing existing studies: 1) Consensus 2) Disagreement 3) Gaps
background-color:: green
- 1) Consensus
- 2) Disagreement
id:: 662ce4f9-d19d-4785-8e36-beb758b22aee
collapsed:: true
- usually give rise to the alternative “camps” or “schools of thought” mentioned above.
collapsed:: true
- {{embed ((662ce053-7562-4a92-bd53-a084a5b6d8c9))}}
- usually give rise to the alternative “camps” or “schools of thought” mentioned above.
collapsed:: true
- 3) Gaps
- Relation to Step 4
collapsed:: true
- Expanding where the existing wisdom is less than conclusive.
- Potential flaws in the reasoning or evidence
- related to an area of consensus.
- Expanding on an existing debate is another possibility
- Proposing to fill a gap
- Expanding where the existing wisdom is less than conclusive.
- Utility
collapsed:: true
- {{embed ((662ccfcb-a5cb-4e74-8650-9cd00872c474))}}
- STEP 4 - Assessing the quality of the literature and the overall state of knowledge on a topic
background-color:: green
id:: 662ce3f1-1a1c-4c19-857a-3aa5e35de350
- Assumptions
collapsed:: true
- If there are disagreements, can they be traced to different assumptions made by the conflicting studies?
- How problematic are they?
- Logic
collapsed:: true
- If there are disagreements, can they be traced to different theoretical perspectives?
- How problematic is the logic?
- Do the studies explain the reasoning that supports their key conclusions, or are important arguments made purely by assertion?
- What are the most plausible counterarguments or alternative explanations to the main thesis in each study, and does each study address these adequately?
- Is the reasoning that is provided logically persuasive, or does it contain internal contradictions
- Evidence
collapsed:: true
- If there are disagreements, can they be traced to the use of different bodies of evidence
- Do the studies provide evidence to back up their main claims?
- Is the evidence valid—i.e., is it factually accurate and on point?
- Has all the relevant evidence been considered, or have some obviously relevant cases or bodies of data been overlooked?
- [[Methodology]]
- Assumptions
collapsed:: true
- STEP 1 - What were the work trying to do?
background-color:: green
id:: 662ce1b7-851b-445d-bbfc-1fa434eefa19
collapsed:: true
- 🔸 Structure
collapsed:: true
- {{r not}}
❌ paragraph 1 notes that book A says X; paragraph 2 notes that article B says Y; paragraph 3 notes that book C says Z
- {{g do}}
- id:: 662cdecd-54cf-4993-ba0d-1d22ddf49616
‘A, B, and C argue that policy X has been ineffective and propose policy Y instead.’
- Categorize
id:: 662ce053-7562-4a92-bd53-a084a5b6d8c9
- grouping individual studies into larger “camps” or “schools of thought.”
- in terms of
- different theories they propose or defend,
- different methodological approaches they take
- different policies they favor
- academics vs. government officials
- psychologists vs. economists
- 🔸 Perhaps some scholars have already sought to classify the research id:: 662ce05c-7d20-48fc-baec-d7ba3f8b7512
- #[[Be the adult in the room]]
- By frontiers that we have
- {{embed ((6605ce4b-c3f7-49be-97a2-8bf1b720b1a6))}}
- Then, you can mention all three together in a single sentence such as
- ((662cdecd-54cf-4993-ba0d-1d22ddf49616))
- id:: 662cdecd-54cf-4993-ba0d-1d22ddf49616
- {{r not}}
- 🔹 Four tasks or sets of questions
id:: 662ce1b3-6b6c-4bfd-9bde-606de410e3e2
- Utility
collapsed:: true
- find flaws in existing research
- new ideas on research
- not waste time “reinventing the wheel.”
- 🔸 “lessons learned”
collapsed:: true
- To determine and assess the practical know-how available
- in regard to which measures are likely to be effective or not
- To determine and assess the practical know-how available
- enable you to place your research in a larger context
collapsed:: true
- “contribution to knowledge,” or "value added"
- {{embed ((662ccfcb-a5cb-4e74-8650-9cd00872c474))}}
- “contribution to knowledge,” or "value added"
- Details
collapsed:: true
- Contribution to Knowledge
id:: 662ccfcb-a5cb-4e74-8650-9cd00872c474
collapsed:: true
- Knowledge, in this context, does not necessarily mean “Truth” with a capital T.
- When reviewing literature, therefore, it is common to refer to the “claims” or “arguments” advanced by a study or school of thought.
- Idenfity the claims
- Asses the strength/support of these claims
- When reviewing literature, therefore, it is common to refer to the “claims” or “arguments” advanced by a study or school of thought.
“researchers have studied a, b, and c, which are related to the problem of X, but they have not studied d, which is also relevant to understanding [or solving] X.”
- Knowledge, in this context, does not necessarily mean “Truth” with a capital T.
- Not only academic work
collapsed:: true
- In addition to acadmic
- policy dimension
- government agencies
- non-governmental organizations
- think tanks
- freelance researchers
- think of your task as a “review of existing knowledge"
- In addition to acadmic
- Contribution to Knowledge
id:: 662ccfcb-a5cb-4e74-8650-9cd00872c474
collapsed:: true
- Trivia
collapsed:: true
- For each research study
collapsed:: true
- Succinctly summarize the study’s {{g "main claim"}}
- the central argument - a sentence or two
- Succinctly summarize the study’s {{g "main claim"}}
- A literature review summarizes and evaluates a body of writings about a specific topic
- Two key elements
- Summarize the findings or claims from prior research on a topic. logseq.order-list-type:: number
- Reach a conclusion about how accurate and complete that knowledge is
logseq.order-list-type:: number
- Focus on the body of work viewed as a while id:: 662cd15b-1980-479c-9508-febb964e4ed8
- your considered judgments about
- what’s right
- what’s wrong
- what’s inconclusive
- what’s missing
- For each research study
collapsed:: true
- How-to #TLDR
background-color:: yellow
- [doing-a-literature-review.pdf](G:/My Drive/CBS/Thesis/doing-a-literature-review.pdf) #[[literature review]]
id:: 662cca5d-9eff-4f0c-bb8d-bd9f649978db
- Plan
background-color:: blue
collapsed:: true
- TODO Look into ((662ce05c-7d20-48fc-baec-d7ba3f8b7512))
- CONTENT background-color:: purple
- Frontiers of our Research
id:: 6605ce4b-c3f7-49be-97a2-8bf1b720b1a6
- [[Methodology]]
- Assets/Resources
background-color:: blue
id:: 65ecc30b-520a-4735-9af1-f85986f164b8
collapsed:: true
- Thesis: Academic Papers
background-color:: yellow
id:: 65eace94-0998-4aac-8934-5f317c07b37c
- {{embed [[Thesis: Academic Papers]]}}
- Companies
background-color:: yellow
id:: 6605ce4a-3d3c-4496-9c50-003ccfa7e4c1
- [[HN]]: Launch HN: Roundtable (YC S23) – Using AI to Simulate Surveys
id:: 6605ce4b-63db-4bb4-a30c-4664bf8df28c
collapsed:: true
- src
- Founder: Mayank Agrawal
- 🔸 https://www.syntheticusers.com/
- Use Cases
- https://osum.com/?s=features id:: 65ff1597-4915-4727-b66f-3e9957a087c9
- [[HN]]: Launch HN: Roundtable (YC S23) – Using AI to Simulate Surveys
id:: 6605ce4b-63db-4bb4-a30c-4664bf8df28c
collapsed:: true
- Data background-color:: yellow
- Other
background-color:: yellow
- VIDEO: Keynote: John Horton- Large Language Models as Economic Agents: What Can We Learn from Homo Silicus?
collapsed:: true
- TODO Watch video lnk
- VIDEO: Keynote: John Horton- Large Language Models as Economic Agents: What Can We Learn from Homo Silicus?
collapsed:: true
- Likely Irrelevant
collapsed:: true
- [[SimPy]] - discrete event simulation for Python
- [[.embed]]{{embed ((65ecdee6-8ddf-4f95-8ee4-3a7d0e370e9a))}}
- Thesis: Academic Papers
background-color:: yellow
id:: 65eace94-0998-4aac-8934-5f317c07b37c
- From RM
collapsed:: true
- ((65e9bdba-b0ab-4133-9b6b-9fbaba222f98))
- About Bachelor Thesis
background-color:: purple
- Recommended literature
collapsed:: true
- Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, and William T. FitzGerald. 2016. The craft of research. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2016.
- Supervision
collapsed:: true
- 7 hours for 1 student (40 pages)
- 12 hours for 2 students (60 pages)
- Formal
collapsed:: true
- Formulate, delimit and analyze a problem within the framework of the DM program
- Select and adapt theories relevant to the problem and the analysis
- Substantiate the chosen method and research design
- 2 Studs: 60 pages, 1 stud: 40 pages
- Recommended literature
collapsed:: true
- [[CBS Students Thesis]]
background-color:: purple
collapsed:: true
- {{embed [[CBS Students Thesis]]}}
- Less Relevan
background-color:: blue
- Consultations
background-color:: purple
collapsed:: true
- [[Daniel]]
- [[3_Daniel]]
collapsed:: true
- {{embed [[3_Daniel]]}}
- Daniels meeting
id:: 662cc29e-a128-4062-b683-e981e2b24d3a
- Concept definitions
- Personas
- Market Research
- Concept definitions
- From meeting
- Make a shared documend
- Make notes from each meeting in it
- Notes from literature review
- RAG Reasearch (retrieval) Augmented generation ...
- Make a shared documend
- [[3_Daniel]]
collapsed:: true
- [[Daniel]]
- Consultations
background-color:: purple
collapsed:: true
- [[Thesis: Irrelevant]]
background-color:: blue
collapsed:: true
- From older notes
collapsed:: true
- {{embed ((659da6d5-e9f8-4c13-80a9-d714c65cffb9))}}
- {{embed ((65a6ca4a-fa9b-4dac-830e-7e5b881d8931))}}
- {{embed [[Thesis: Irrelevant]]}}
- From older notes
collapsed:: true
Syntax Description Test Text Header Title Here's this Paragraph Text