This is an example on using custom metric from Application insights to scale a deployment.
- Requests per Second Custom Metric Scaling
- 100000 requests at 100 RPS - Watch it scale
- provisioned an AKS Cluster
- your
points to your cluster. - Metric Server deployed to your cluster (aks does not come with it deployed). Validate by running
kubectl get --raw "/apis/" | jq .
Get this repository and cd to this folder (on your GOPATH):
go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/
First thing to do is create an application insights instance.
After the application instance is created get your instrumentation key.
Get your appid and key. Then deploy the adapter.
helm install --name sample-release ../../charts/azure-k8s-metrics-adapter --namespace custom-metrics \
--set appInsights.appId=<your app id> \
--set appInsights.key=<your api key> \
--set azureAuthentication.createSecret=true
note: if you plan to use the adapter with External Metrics you may need additional configuration. See the Service Bus Queue Example.
If you prefer to use Azure AD Pod Identity, then you don't need to specify an Application Insights API key:
kubectl create secret generic app-insights-api -n custom-metrics --from-literal=app-insights-app-id=<appid>
Deploy this modified adapter-aad-pod-identity.yaml file that includes Azure Identity and Azure Identity Binding:
kubectl apply -f
Note: the managed user identity you are using should be authorized to read the Azure Application Insights resource through RBAC.
Create a secret with the application insights key that you retrieved in the earlier step:
kubectl create secret generic appinsightskey --from-literal=instrumentation-key=<your-key-here>
kubectl apply -f deploy/rps-deployment.yaml
optional: build and push to your own copy of the example with
docker build -t metric-rps-example -f webapp/Dockerfile webapp
Double check you can hit the endpoint:
export RPS_ENDPOINT="$(k get svc rps-sample -o json | jq .status.loadBalancer.ingress | jq -r '.[0]'.ip)"
curl http://$RPS_ENDPOINT
kubectl apply -f deploy/custom-metric.yaml
note: the CustomMetric configuration is deployed per namespace.
You can list of the configured custom metrics via:
kubectl get acm #shortcut for custommetric
Deploy the HPA:
kubectl apply -f deploy/hpa.yaml
note: the
defined on the HPA must match
on the CustomMetric declaration, in this caserps
Hey is a simple way to create load on an api from the command line.
go get -u
# 100000 requests at 100 RPS
hey -n 10000 -q 10 -c 10 http://$RPS_ENDPOINT
In a separate window you can watch the HPA to see the RPS go up and the pods scale:
kubectl get hpa rps-sample -w
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 0/10 2 10 2 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 36/10 2 10 2 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 36/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 36/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 36/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 36/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 49/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 49/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 49/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 49/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 49/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 33/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 33/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 25/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 29/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 24/10 2 10 4 4d
rps-sample Deployment/rps-sample 0/10 2 10 4 4d
Once you are done with this experiment you can delete you Application Insights instance via portal.
Also remove resources created in cluster:
kubectl delete -f deploy/hpa.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/custom-metric.yaml
kubectl delete -f deploy/rps-deployment.yaml
helm delete --purge sample-release