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+# Contributing guide
+## Table of Contents
+- [Contributing guide](#contributing-guide)
+ - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
+- [Introduction](#introduction)
+- [Schema](#schema)
+- [Testing](#testing)
+- [The anatomy of a package](#the-anatomy-of-a-package)
+- [Package specification](#package-specification)
+ - [`name`](#name)
+ - [`description`](#description)
+ - [`homepage`](#homepage)
+ - [`licenses`](#licenses)
+ - [`languages`](#languages)
+ - [`categories`](#categories)
+ - [`source`](#source)
+ - [`bin`](#bin)
+ - [`share`](#share)
+ - [`opt`](#opt)
+- [Expressions](#expressions)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+ - [Common fields](#common-fields)
+ - [Cargo](#cargo)
+ - [Composer](#composer)
+ - [Gem](#gem)
+ - [GitHub release assets](#github-release-assets)
+ - [GitHub build from source](#github-build-from-source)
+ - [Golang](#golang)
+ - [LuaRocks](#luarocks)
+ - [npm](#npm)
+ - [Nuget](#nuget)
+ - [opam](#opam)
+ - [PyPI](#pypi)
+ - [Open VSX](#open-vsx)
+> RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [BCP 14][bcp14],
+> [RFC2119][rfc2119], and [RFC8174][rfc8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.
+# Introduction
+- Make sure to follow the [naming guidelines](#name).
+- Refer to the [common fields example](#common-fields) for a good starting point for a new package.
+- Refer to the different [examples](#examples) and/or existing package definitions for further guidance.
+- Testing a package MUST be done locally prior to creating a PR. See [testing](#testing) for more information.
+> [!TIP]
+> Use the [YAML language server](https://mason-registry.dev/registry/list#yaml-language-server) combined with the
+> [schemastore schema](https://json.schemastore.org/mason-registry.json) to get diagnostics and autocompletion (see
+> [Schema](#schema)).
+# Schema
+Package definitions are validated against a well-defined [JSON schema](https://github.com/mason-org/registry-schema).
+The full schema is hosted on .
+> [!TIP]
+> Use [b0o/SchemaStore.nvim](https://github.com/b0o/SchemaStore.nvim) and the [YAML language
+> server](https://mason-registry.dev/registry/list#yaml-language-server) to integrate these schemas in Neovim. This
+> gives you diagnostics and autocompletion inside the editor when editing package definitions:
+# Testing
+Testing a package locally can be achieved by configuring the `mason.nvim` client to source package definitions locally
+from your filesystem.
+> In order for `mason.nvim` to be able to parse the YAML files you must have `yq` installed on your system. Tip: install
+> `yq` (`:MasonInstall yq`) from the core registry before testing.
+Take note of the path where you have `AstroNvim/mason-registry` cloned on your file system. To configure `mason.nvim` to
+source packages from there you'll use the `file:` protocol, like so:
+require("mason").setup {
+ registries = {
+ "file:~/dev/mason-registry"
+ }
+Before continuing, make sure Mason has been properly configured to source packages locally by opening the `:Mason`
+window and pressing `g?` to open the help view:
+> [!TIP]
+> You can emulate different platforms ("targets") by providing the `--target=` option to `:MasonInstall`. For example:
:MasonInstall --target=linux_arm64 my-package
+> Note that this is only a soft emulation and only impacts how the package definition is parsed.
+# The anatomy of a package
+Packages are defined following a [well-defined specification](#package-specification). Package definitions are hosted as
+separate YAML files that MUST be located at `packages//package.yaml`.
+Package sources are identified via a [purl][purl] identifier. Each package source (purl) MUST contain a version
+component specifying the latest available version, e.g `pkg:github/rust-lang/rust-analyzer@2023-04-04`.
+Package versions are automatically kept up-to-date via [Renovate][renovate].
+# Package specification
+The following is a rough outline of the package definition schema:
+name: string
+description: string
+homepage: URL
+licenses: SPDXLicense[]
+languages: string[]
+categories: Category[]
+ id: string
+ [key: string]: any
+ [executable: string]: string
+ [share_location: string]: string
+ [opt_location: string]: string
+## `name`
+The package name MUST be unique. The name of a package MUST follow the following naming scheme:
+1. If the upstream package name is sufficiently unambiguous, or otherwise widely recognized, that name MUST be used.
+1. If the upstream package provides a single executable with a name that is sufficiently unambiguous, or otherwise
+ widely recognized, the name of the executable MUST be used.
+1. If either the package or executable name is ambiguous, a name where a clarifying prefix or suffix is added SHOULD be
+ used.
+1. As a last resort, the name of the package should be constructed to best convey its target language and scope, e.g.
+ `json-language-server` for a JSON language server.
+## `description`
+Short description of the package. The description SHOULD be sourced from the upstream package directly.
+Longer descriptions MUST be split on multiple lines, as to not exceed the max line length (120).
+description: |
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, officia excepteur ex fugiat reprehenderit enim labore culpa sint ad nisi Lorem pariatur
+ mollit ex esse exercitation amet. Nisi anim cupidatat excepteur officia.
+> [!TIP]
+> To automatically format the description across multiple lines, run `:setlocal textwidth=120`, visually select the
+> description and press `gw` (`:help gw`).
+## `homepage`
+The homepage of the package. The homepage SHOULD be a public website if available, otherwise it MUST be a URL to the
+source code.
+The URL MUST be a [well-formed URL][rfc1738]. The URL scheme MUST be either `http` or `https`.
+## `licenses`
+List of licenses associated with this package. MUST contain at least one entry.
+The license MUST be a [SPDX-compatible](https://spdx.org/licenses/) license identifier. Should the package use a license
+not available as a SPDX identifier, the license "proprietary" (all lower case) MUST be used.
+- `MIT`
+- `Apache-2.0`
+- `GPL-3.0-only`
+## `languages`
+The languages the package targets. MAY be empty. A language is an arbitrary string (e.g., `"Rust"`). The casing of the
+string MUST be the same as other references to the same language in other package definitions, i.e. it's an error if
+package A specifies `Javascript` and package B specifies `JavaScript`.
+## `categories`
+The categories the package belongs to. MAY be empty. If not empty, each entry MUST be one of:
+- `Compiler`
+- `DAP`
+- `Formatter`
+- `LSP`
+- `Linter`
+- `Runtime`
+## `source`
+The source of the package. The `source` entry contains all necessary information to properly install the package. At the
+very minimum it MUST contain an `id` property. The `id` property MUST be a [purl][purl]-compatible package identifier.
+The purl identifier MUST contain a version component.
+The source object MAY contain additional properties to support installation.
+ id: pkg:npm/typescript-language-server@2.0.0
+ id: pkg:github/rust-lang/rust-analyzer@2022-12-05
+## `bin`
+The executables the package provides. The key is the canonical name of the executable, and the value is either (i) a
+relative path to the executable from the package directory, or (ii) an expression that delegates path resolution (e.g.,
+`npm:typescript-language-server` or `cargo:rust-analyzer`), or (iii) an [expression](#expressions).
+On Unix systems, a symlink is created. On Windows, a wrapper batch `.cmd` executable is always created.
+ typescript-language-server: npm:typescript-language-server
+ rust-analyzer: bin/rust-analyzer
+## `share`
+The architecture independent files the package provides.
+The mapping MUST either (i) link a single target file to a single source file, or (ii) link a target directory to a
+source directory, or (iii) an [expression](#expressions).
+This creates symlinks (`uv_fs_symlink`) on all platforms.
+ # Links $MASON/share/jdtls/lombok.jar -> /lombok.jar
+ jdtls/lombok.jar: lombok.jar
+ # Links $MASON/share/jdtls/plugins/ -> /plugins/**/* (i.e. all files within the target directory)
+ jdtls/plugins/: plugins/
+> The contents of linked files MUST be compatible with all machines, regardless of hardware architecture.
+## `opt`
+The optional, add-on, contents of a package. This is for example useful in situations when a package provides auxiliary
+binaries that should not be linked to the "global" Mason `bin/` directory.
+The mapping MUST either (i) link a single target file to a single source file, or (ii) link a target directory to a
+source directory, or (iii) an [expression](#expressions).
+This creates symlinks (`uv_fs_symlink`) on all platforms.
+ # Links $MASON/opt/solang/llvm15.0/LICENSE -> /doc/LICENSE
+ solang/llvm15.0/LICENSE: doc/LICENSE
+ # Links $MASON/opt/solang/llvm15.0/ -> /llvm15.0/**/* (i.e. all files within the target directory)
+ solang/llvm15.0/: llvm15.0/
+# Expressions
+When specified, a component of a package definition may include expressions. These expressions can only be used in
+string values, and are denoted by `{{expr}}`. This allows for dynamically evaluating values, when needed.
+# ...
+ id: pkg:github/rust-lang/rust-analyzer@v1.0.0
+ asset:
+ - target: darwin_x64
+ file: rust-analyzer-darwin_x64_{{ version | strip_prefix "v" }}.tar.gz
+ bin: rust-analyzer-darwin_x64
+ some_other_bin: rust-fmt-darwin_x64
+ - target: linux_x64
+ file: rust-analyzer-linux_x64_{{ version | strip_prefix "v" }}.tar.gz
+ bin: rust-analyzer-linux_x64
+ some_other_bin: rust-fmt-linux_x64
+ # This will be evaluated to either "rust-analyzer-darwin_x64" or "rust-analyzer-linux_x64", depending on which
+ # platform the package is being installed on.
+ rust-analyzer: "{{source.asset.bin}}"
+ rustfmt: "{{source.asset.some_other_bin}}"
+Expressions use basic Lua syntax with the additional ability to pipe values to a limited set of transformation
+functions. All expressions are evaluated in a context, where values are accessed through normal variable access.
+[bcp14]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp14
+[purl]: https://github.com/package-url/purl-spec
+[renovate]: https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate
+[rfc1738]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1738
+[rfc2119]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119
+[rfc8174]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8174
+# Examples
+## Common fields
+The following fields are common for all packages and are subject to the same requirements.
+Refer to the following sections for a detailed description:
+- [`name`](#name)
+- [`description`](#description)
+- [`homepage`](#homepage)
+- [`licenses`](#licenses)
+- [`categories`](#categories)
+name: lua-language-server
+description: A language server that offers Lua language support - programmed in Lua.
+homepage: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server
+ - MIT
+ - Lua
+ - LSP
+> The document MUST start with a YAML header notation (`---`).
+## Cargo
+ id: pkg:cargo/rnix-lsp@0.2.5
+ rnix-lsp: cargo:rnix-lsp
+Example: Specify features
+To specify the features to install, use the `features` qualifier.
+ id: pkg:cargo/flux-lsp@0.8.40?features=lsp,cli
+Example: Git source
+To install a cargo package from a git source you may specify the `repository_url` qualifier. This will by default target
+tags in the provided git repository (i.e. `cargo install --tag `). To target commits instead (i.e. `cargo install --rev
+`), provide an additional `&rev=true` qualifier.
+ id: pkg:cargo/flux-lsp@0.8.40?repository_url=https://github.com/influxdata/flux-lsp
+Example: Specify supported platforms
+You MUST provide the `supported_platforms` field if the package is only supported on certain platforms.
+ id: pkg:cargo/flux-lsp@0.8.40
+ supported_platforms:
+ - linux_x64_gnu
+ - linux_arm64_gnu
+## Composer
+ id: pkg:composer/vimeo/psalm@5.4.0
+ psalm: composer:psalm
+ psalm-language-server: composer:psalm-language-server
+## Gem
+ id: pkg:gem/standard@1.26.0
+ standardrb: gem:standardrb
+Example: Specify supported platforms
+You MUST provide the `supported_platforms` field if the package is only supported on certain platforms.
+ id: pkg:gem/standard@1.26.0
+ supported_platforms:
+ - linux_x64_gnu
+ - linux_arm64_gnu
+## GitHub release assets
+Note: Downloaded release assets are automatically unpacked (e.g. if it's a `.tar` file it's unpacked in its download
+Example: Platform dependent release assets
+When multiple, platform dependent, release assets are provided you MUST register an entry for each applicable platform.
+This is done by providing a list of assets. The ordering of this list is important as clients may be target to more than
+one platform and entries appearing first in the list have precedence.
+When this source is parsed by the client, the list is "unwrapped" to the very first entry whose `target` applies to the
+current system.
+ id: pkg:github/LuaLS/lua-language-server@3.6.18
+ asset:
+ - target: darwin_arm64
+ file: lua-language-server-{{version}}-darwin-arm64.tar.gz
+ - target: darwin_x64
+ file: lua-language-server-{{version}}-darwin-x64.tar.gz
+ - target: linux_arm64_gnu
+ file: lua-language-server-{{version}}-linux-arm64.tar.gz
+ - target: linux_x64_gnu
+ file: lua-language-server-{{version}}-linux-x64.tar.gz
+ - target: win_x86
+ file: lua-language-server-{{version}}-win32-ia32.zip
+ - target: win_x64
+ file: lua-language-server-{{version}}-win32-x64.zip
+It's common that platform-dependent assets contain different files and different folder structures. In order to
+facilitate linking executables at a later stage you may provide additional, arbitrary, fields. The following example
+adds a `bin` field to each entry, which is later used in a [expression](#expression) to link the executable.
+ id: pkg:github/LuaLS/lua-language-server@3.6.18
+ asset:
+ - target: darwin_arm64
+ file: lua-language-server-{{version}}-darwin-arm64.tar.gz
+ bin: lua-language-server
+ - target: win_x64
+ file: lua-language-server-{{version}}-win32-x64.zip
+ bin: lua-language-server.exe
+ lua-language-server: "{{source.asset.bin}}"
+Example: Single, platform independent, release asset
+ id: pkg:github/Dart-Code/Dart-Code@v3.62.0
+ asset:
+ file: dart-code-{{ version | strip_prefix "v" }}.vsix
+Example: Downloading multiple assets
+ id: pkg:github/LuaLS/lua-language-server@3.6.18
+ asset:
+ file:
+ - lua-language-server-{{version}}
+ - lua-language-server-{{version}}.sha256
+Example: Change asset download location
+By default, assets are downloaded in the root directory of the package directory. You MAY change the download location
+by appending it to the file name itself with a `:` prefix.
+If the download location ends with a `/` the file will be downloaded in that directory, otherwise it's a filename.
+ id: pkg:github/lua/lua@5.1.0
+ asset:
+ file:
+ # download "lua-language-server-{{version}}" to "bin/lua-language-server-{{version}}"
+ - lua-language-server-{{version}}:bin/
+ # download "lua-formatter-{{version}}" to "bin/lua-format"
+ - lua-formatter-{{version}}:bin/lua-format
+ # download "license" to "LICENSE.txt"
+ - license:LICENSE.txt
+> Linux binaries are commonly compiled for GNU systems. These binaries MUST be associated with a `_gnu` target, e.g.
+> `linux_x64_gnu`.
+## GitHub build from source
+Note: Build scripts run on the platform's default shell. On Unix this is `bash`, on Windows it's `pwsh`.
+Note: By default, Renovate is configured to look for new releases for `pkg:github` sources. However, when building from
+source, the repository most likely doesn't provide GitHub releases, but instead uses normal git tags. To ensure that
+Renovate picks up new versions, you MUST provide a datasource override via a comment (see example below).
+ # renovate:datasource=github-tags
+ id: pkg:github/stoplightio/vscode-spectral@v1.1.2
+ build:
+ run: |
+ npm exec yarn@1 install
+ npm exec --package=yarn@1 'node make package'
+ spectral-language-server: node:dist/server/index.js
+Example: Platform-dependent build scripts
+Sometimes the build script cannot be expressed in a shell-agnostic way. You MUST then provide a list of entries with the
+appropriate targets. The ordering of this list is important as clients may be target to more than one platform and
+entries appearing first in the list have precedence.
+When this source is parsed by the client, the list is "unwrapped" to the very first entry whose `target` applies to the
+current system.
+ id: pkg:github/vala-lang/vala-language-server@1.0.0
+ build:
+ - target: unix
+ run: |
+ meson -Dprefix="$PWD" build
+ ninja -C build install
+ - target: win
+ run: |
+ meson -Dprefix="($pwd).path" build
+ ninja -C build install
+## Golang
+ id: pkg:golang/golang.org/x/tools/gopls@v0.11.0
+ gopls: golang:gopls
+Example: Specifying additional package path
+Use the subpath component to specify a sub-path of a golang package.
+ id: pkg:golang/golang.org/x/tools@v0.7.0#cmd/goimports
+## LuaRocks
+ id: pkg:luarocks/luacheck@1.1.0
+ luacheck: luarocks:luacheck
+Example: Specifying a server
+Use the `repository_url` qualifier to specify a different server (i.e. `luarocks install --server`).
+ id: pkg:luarocks/luaformatter@scm-1?repository_url=https://luarocks.org/dev
+Example: dev target
+Use the `dev` qualifier to specify a dev target (i.e. `luarocks install --dev`).
+ id: pkg:luarocks/teal-language-server@dev-1?dev=true
+## npm
+ id: pkg:npm/typescript-language-server@3.3.1
+ typescript-language-server: npm:typescript-language-server
+Example: Additional npm dependencies
+Some packages may require additional npm dependencies to be installed in the same location. This can be achieved by
+providing the `extra_packages` field.
+ id: pkg:npm/typescript-language-server@3.3.1
+ extra_packages:
+ - typescript
+Packages provided in `extra_packages` are passed as-is to npm, so they may require version constraints such as
+## Nuget
+ id: pkg:nuget/fsautocomplete@0.58.2
+ fsautocomplete: nuget:fsautocomplete
+## opam
+ id: pkg:opam/ocaml-lsp-server@1.10.2
+ ocamllsp: opam:ocamllsp
+## PyPI
+ id: pkg:pypi/yamllint@1.30.0
+ yamllint: pypi:yamllint
+Example: Adding extra specifiers
+To add "extra" specifiers to a pypi package (i.e. `pip install python-lsp-server[all]`), use the `extra` qualifier.
+ id: pkg:pypi/python-lsp-server@1.7.2?extra=all
+Example: Additional pypi dependencies
+Some packages may require additional pypi dependencies to be installed in the same location. This can be achieved by
+providing the `extra_packages` field.
+ id: pkg:pypi/yapf@0.32.0
+ extra_packages:
+ - toml
+Packages provided in `extra_packages` are passed as-is, so they may require version constraints such as `toml==4`.
+## Open VSX
+[Open VSX](https://open-vsx.org/) is an open-source registry for VS Code extensions.
+ id: pkg:openvsx/vscjava/vscode-java-debug@0.55.0
+ download:
+ file: vscjava.vscode-java-debug-{{version}}.vsix
+Example: Platform-dependent file
+If the Open VSX package provides platform-dependent files they need to be registered explicitly. In addition to `target`
+and `file`, the `target_platform` field must be defined and correspond to an OpenVSX platform identifier (e.g.
+ id: pkg:openvsx/BroadcomMFD/cobol-language-support@2.1.1
+ download:
+ - target: linux_x64
+ file: BroadcomMFD.cobol-language-support-{{ version }}@linux-x64.vsix
+ target_platform: linux-x64
+ - target: darwin_arm64
+ file: BroadcomMFD.cobol-language-support-{{ version }}@darwin-arm64.vsix
+ target_platform: darwin-arm64
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-# astromason-registry
+# AstroNvim Mason Registry
A community driven Mason package registry
+
+
+
+[](https://github.com/AstroNvim/mason-registry/actions/workflows/package-tests.yml)
+ AstroNvim package registry for mason.nvim
+Refer to [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for contribution guidelines.
+Compiled registry contents are available via [releases](https://github.com/mason-org/mason-registry/releases).