All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Group changes to describe their impact on the project, as follows:
Added for new features.
Changed for changes in existing functionality.
Deprecated for once-stable features removed in upcoming releases.
Removed for deprecated features removed in this release.
Fixed for any bug fixes.
Security to invite users to upgrade in case of vulnerabilities.
- In contacts and chat conversations view, show short term presence for contacts whom publish it + added setting to disable it (enabled by default for accounts)
- Advanced settings - option to prevent the taking of screenshot
- Emoji picker in chat conversations
- Add Organization label to contacts, and the possibility to filter through it
- Possibility to make an attended transfer from one call to another
- Contact names, phone numbers and sip addresses are now copyable through with long press action
- Switched Account Creator backend from XMLRPC to FlexiAPI, it now requires to be able to receive a push notification
- Chat conversation view (one-to-one and group) completely remade with Swift, with various quality of life improvements.
- Minimum iOS version is now 11.2
- Update linphone SDK to 5.2.95
- Several crashes in the chat conversation view and background mode
- Url scheme handler : can now properly do a remote configuration when opening a linphone-config:URL from another app
- Bug that could cause push notification to stop working after killing the app manually
- Update linphone SDK to 5.2.32
- Performance issue causing a global slowing of the app, especially at launch
- Fix several memory leaks and crashes
- Update linphone SDK to 5.2.11
- Makes sure accounts have a LIME X3DH server URL for E2E chat messages encryption
- Fix potential crash when displaying images received in a chatroom
- Fix bug that would cause the previous call to be terminated when resuming another call that was paused
- Fix participant video display in conferences when a second participant joined with video enabled
- Post Quantum encryption when using ZRTP
- Conference creation with scheduling, video, different layouts, showing who is speaking and who is muted, etc...
- Group calls directly from group chat rooms
- Chat rooms can be individually muted (no notification when receiving a chat message)
- Outgoing call video in early-media if requested by callee
- Call recordings can be exported
- Setting to prevent international prefix from account to be applied to call & chat
- Add a "Never ask again" option to the "Link my account" pop-up when starting the app
- In-call views have been re-designed
- Improved how contact avatars are generated
- 3-dots menu even for basic chat rooms with more options
- Update linphone SDK to 5.2.0
- Chatroom appearing as empty when being logged on multiple accounts
- Chatroom appearing as empty after playing a video file inside it
- Fix potential crash when entering a chatroom
- Fix potential crash when accessing to the delivery infos of a message in a group chat.
- IMDN logo not properly displayed when transfering or replying to a message with media (voice message, photo...)
- Clarified view when sending an image from the galery
- Various audio route fixes for CallKit and IOS 16
- Update linphone SDK to 5.1.42
- Prevent possible application freeze and crash when creating a new chatroom, depending on the phone's contacts.
- New "Contacts" menu in the settings, which allows the use of LDAP configurations
- Using new MagicSearch API to improve contacts list performances, and search contacts using LDAP if appropriate
- Update linphone SDK to 5.1.41
- Prevent read-only 1-1 chat room
- Small quality of life fixes for voice recording messages
- Display bug when changing audio device
- Bug preventing the activation of the phone speaker during calls
- Bug with "reply" feature in chatrooms
- Bug causing IMDNs to be missing in some chatrooms
- Update linphone SDK to 5.1.7
- Crash in chatroom info view after entering background and re-entering foreground
- Crash in local call conferences when pausing/resuming
- Hard to see text (written in black) on dark mode
- Removed duplicate push authorization request pop up on install
- Reply to chat message feature (with original message preview)
- Transfert chat message feature
- Swipe action on chat messages to reply / delete
- Voice recordings in chat feature
- SIP URIs in chat messages are clickable to easily initiate a call
- New fragment explaining generic SIP account limitations contrary to SIP accounts
- Link to Weblate added in about page
- New 'scroll to bottom' button in chat conversations, which a "unread message count" badge
- Removed beta feature of ephemeral messages in the settings, now always available.
- SDK updated to 5.1.0 release
- Potential crash when editing a contact avatar image.
- App extension logs missing when exporting logs
- Add option to enable VFS
- Ephemeral messages (beta)
- Updating SDK to 5.0 version
- Using linphone SDK 5.0 API to better handle audio route
- Replaced all notions of "Proxy configs" with "Accounts" from the 5.0 SDK
- Removed most of the code related to remote and VOIP Push Notification receptions, now handled in the SDK
- No longer pause all calls when receiving a new call.
- No longer switch to speaker during video call if another output device (bluetooth headset) is already connected
- When answering a video call while the phone is locked, send the "No camera available" image until the video is enabled through the CallKit button
- Chat messages containing both text and file are now displayed in the same chat bubble
- Fix several memory leaks
- Various crashs and issues.
- When the App is started through a Push Notification, properly redirect the view to the corresponding chat rather than going to the home page
- Option to store chat files in Gallery.
- Updating SDK to 4.5 version
- Asking user to read and accept privacy policy and general terms
- Updated translations
- Store chat files in App Groups instead of Gallery.
- Location permission request.
- Various crashs and issues.
- "push notification application extension" to manage message reception.
- Dark Mode.
- CI to test the build and archive the application.
- Presenting the callkit view upon receipt of the push notification.
- Using PushKit only for calls.
- Moving db files from app containers to App Groups.
- Updating SDK to 4.4 version
- Some files are written in Swift.
- Various crashs and issues.
- Possiblity to enable Media Encryption Mandatory in Settings.
- Possiblity to not show app's calls in iphone's history
- Using new AAudio & Camera2 frameworks for better performances (if available)
- Asking the user to agree to access location information from ios 13.
- Improved performances to reduce startup time.
- Added our own devices in LIME encrypted chatrooms' security view.
- License changed from GPLv2 to GPLv3.
- Switched from MD5 to SHA-256 as password protection algorithm.
- Updated translations, mainly French and English.
- Disable bitcode by Xcode.
- Modify some views for iphone, XR and Xs.
- Automatically downloaded images are copied when shared in a chat room.
- Some UI errors from ios 13.
- End-to-end encryption for instant messaging, for both one-to-one and group conversations.
- Video H.265 codec support, based on iOS VideoToolbox framework.
- Enhanced call and IM notifications, so that it is possible to answer, decline, reply or mark as read directly from them.
- Setting to request attachments to be automatically downloaded, unconditionnally or based on their size.
- Possibility to send multiple attachments (images, documents) in a same message.
- Possibility to open all kinds of documents received in a conversation.
- Possibility to share an image through Linphone from an external application (ex: photo app)
- Button to invite contacts to use Linphone by sending them a SMS.
- Possibility to record calls (audio only), and replay them from the "Recordings" menu.
- Remote provisioning from a QR code providing the http(s) url of a provisioning server.
- Optional Crashlythics support.
- Compilation procedure is simplified: a binary SDK containing dependencies (liblinphone) is retrieved automatically from a CocoaPods repository. Full compilation remains absolutely supported. Please check local for more details.
- Updated translations, mainly French and English.
- Use of Photokit instead of Asset Library for image handling.
- Auto-layout of images in chat messages.
- Use Xcode test navigator for tests.
- Move important files from
folder toApplication Library
- Issues around Bluetooth devices management.
- Loss of audio after accepting a second call while already in a call.
- Crashes when during calls.
- Nowebcam when leaving conference.
- Static build of iOS linphone SDK.
- All git submodules previously containing dependencies.
- Some resource files now provided by linphone-sdk.
- fix IOS12 crash
- fix bluethooth issue with some cars
- fix nat helper (sdk)
- Fix TURN
- Start video stream on first call
- Fix audio unit management in case of call time out
- Fix registration issue with some SIP services (ie: Asterix)
- Supports of group chat
- New address search algorithm
- Minor bugs fixes
- Support of IOS 11
- new algorithm to adapt audio and video codec bitrates to the available bandwidth (
- Contact, CNContact implmentation.
- Contacts loading optimization.
- Sound management updated
- Chat file resend fixed
- Minor bugs fixes
- Audio fixed on conference call
- Imdm, chat message reception/lecture notification.
- Optimization of Chat list
- Minor bugs fixes
- Crashes on Call cancel too soon
3.16.2 - 2017-03-01
- Link to GPLv2 licence and Linphone privacy policy in About View.
- Optimization of Contact Lists
- CallKit bugs when invalid SIP address
- CallKit error screens no longer displayed but ours
- Crashes in Contact Lists
- Presence supports network changes
- Uses of linked address instead of phone number in chat rooms
- Uses of display name instead of sip addresses in chat rooms and history lists
3.16.1 - 2017-09-01
- Support of CallKit
- Support of background task to finish sending messages and files when app is in background
- Freeze of UI when cancelling a swipe to delete too quickly
- Support of iOS 10
- Support of PushKit (VoIP push notifications)
- Added long term presence for accounts: any user can now see his/her friends with a account
- Added TURN support
- Change your password in your account settings
- Updated push notification sound
- Updated assistant to allow creating and authenticating account with a phone number
- Updated translations
- Improve VideoToolbox H264 decoder
- None VoIP push notifications
- Correctly display name in Settings when using exotic characters
- Correctly handle video policy when answering from push notification
- Hide keyboard on dialer when address is empty
- Better handling of multi accounts in side menu
- Handle of notification actions
- Rotation of camera view
- Added "Forgot your password?" link in Linphone account assistant
- Full IPv6 support to comply Apple requirements
- Hardware accelerated H264 codec
- Full video HD support for newest devices (iPhone 6, iPhone SE, etc.)
- Enable Neon intrinsics optimizations for speex resampler (ENABLE_ARM_NEON_INTRINSICS)
- Push notifications are now configurable per account
- Update to latest OpenH264 version to fix issue with Xcode 7.3 and arm64 devices openh264 issue 2434
- Default transport reset to "UDP" for external accounts in assistant since most providers only support that
- Remove deprecated polarssl submodule, using mbedtls instead
- Fix invalid photo rotation when using Camera for avatars
- Fix self avatar save when using camera
- Parse user input as SIP address or phone number depending on default account settings: if "substitute + by country code" is set, consider inputs to be phone numbers, otherwise SIP addresses.
- Automatically start call when answering from within notification in iOS9+
- Contact details view is now scrollable to fix issue on small screens
- Unregister accounts in case of application shutdown when remote push notifications are not enabled
- Reregister accounts in case of WiFi change
- New About view
- plugins registration procedure has been updated
- iLBC has been removed - we are now using webrtc implementation instead, which is built by default. Removed libilbc.a from XCode project
- reload chat view on iPad on changes
- remove “invalid length” error in assistant
- remove comma from user-agent
- properly display numpad in call
- update application badge count when answering within notification
- Multi account support
- New flat design rebranding
- Initial version