- Showcase the app on the material-ui or polymer docs site
- remove all inline TODO statements and make it work
- add a linter
- Always remove all inline TODOs and console.logs on release build
- implement the offline/online feature detection http://electron.atom.io/docs/all/#onlineoffline-event-detection
- decide between tray icon change or overlay status and implement it http://electron.atom.io/docs/all/#icon-overlays-in-taskbar-windows
- implement download status using http://electron.atom.io/docs/all/#icon-overlays-in-taskbar-windows
- implement download notifications using http://electron.atom.io/docs/all/#icon-overlays-in-taskbar-windows
- implement resizable tables http://jsfiddle.net/thrilleratplay/epcybL4v/
- use https://github.com/fent/node-streamspeed to determine speed
- use https://github.com/tjgq/node-stream-throttle for rate limits
- use the github requests api to check for a new version of youtube-dl.exe
- download when available and replace the old one with it
- ability to stop downloads and remove the underlying downloadProcess
- confirm before closing if downloads are remaining or if the option is set or if an update is going on
- disable auto update in data saver mode and not check for newer versions automatically etc.
- reset Starting and past states, do clean up to necessary states like canceled or error etc.
- dynamically calculate the right side toolbar position https://github.com/digidem/react-dimensions
- A quick download feature where you just put the download link and it begins with the default options
- persistent or native notifications for operations like update done or updating or restart to complete update
- notifications animations like https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/notification using https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/animation.html
- sorting download tables http://www.listjs.com/